Today I used the Unnofficial Office Tarot.

I’ve never been much of a The Office person. The main thing is that in Latin America it was an FX show and we didn’t have FX at home until I was in college, at which point I was more used to Seinfeld and The Nanny reruns on Sony Entertainment Television.
And also years of The Office being the main source of low effort Reddit infographic memes soured me a little bit on the idea of even trying the show.
Actually, here’s a fun fact. At one point we decided at home to stop paying for the cable service because it was going to shit with crappy channels (I’m talking about CATV here so no package options)… For some reason they forgot to ever bill the cable ever again and they also never cut it. We literally had free cable for like… years until I guess they changed administration or something and realized they hadn’t cut our service. And when they did we got the Direct TV antenna of an uncle (may he rest in peace) that said he wasn’t using it.
Another fun detail related to this story is that because only had one TV box, when we connected it, all TVs in the house had the same show on. So the routine would be that because I worked until 4am and such, I would program the box to switch channels after CSI ended and my parents were asleep.
Now that I think about it, something similar happened with our landline. One day it stops working and the next thing you know it was converted into a prepaid line. I was happier when it didn’t work, the landline only ever rang when someone died.
Did I ever mention that my hometown didn’t have broadband internet whatsoever (and even then it was borderline dial up speed) until 2010-2011 because people kept stealing the internet lines for copper?
…where was I? Oh right the fucking tarot reading.
It’s a shame that I’m not more into The Office, because this is one of those decks that put effort into integrating meaning and reference and the cards just glide in your hands smoothly.
Today’s reading is a bit ambiguous. On one had you can read it as advice to retreat and reconsider if you feel like someone in power is trying to force you into doing something… but I don’t really feel like that applies to me, doesn’t ring any bells as hard as I try.
Instead, considering the prevalence of Cups in the spread, it’s probably asking me to take the time to readjust and realign myself internally.
Or maybe I should focus on readjusting my sleep schedule because dear God I almost missed Japanese lessons.

After returning I was playing some DLsite games and one of them reminded me that there’s been quite a few of those lately that make the title screen change depending on your progress, and that’s a cool detail.
Admittedly though, we’re talking the context where having a title screen different from the default one is already A Lot.
I really dig the black and white aesthetic. Not the first one to do that but it’s always fun to see.
Something I forgot to mention yesterday is that I got my order of Rose Lapin doll clothes. Rose Lapin is a small store of handmade doll clothes that only accepts orders on weekends (and even then not every weekend).
It’s worth noting mainly because I completely forgot the order. I can’t even remember when I ordered them and it took me a minute to remember I orered them at the start of the year.
No shade tho, Rose Lapin clothes are lovely.
The weekend is coming and I want to start making like… a compilation photobook for all of 2024 and another one for the stuff from before this year. If nothing else, setting aside all the pics to use for it.
Oh also if the blog suddenly has higher resolution stuff moving forward it’s because I realized that my usual method of doing things (take pics of random stuff with my phone, upload them to wordpress via macbook when macbook syncs) was making the photos smaller and blurrier than usual, so I uploaded the WordPress/Jetpack app to upload directly from phone.