Back to the LunaLapin deck today.
Strength, Four of Cups, and The Three Hares.
The Three Hares is a deck-specific card, meant to be an auspice so good that not even being reversed can alter that meaning.
Apparently the Three Hares is a European thing representing the Holy Trinity? It looks very chinese to me.
But anyway, the meaning is simple: “Good Auspices emanate from resilience and meditation”.

Woke up and sent a fax, it seems that particular paperwork is almost done thankfully.
I really hope to be able to get enough time to get back into my singing lessons and therapy, those two things got kinda frozen as I was solving my Visa stuff in August… it’s basically the second year in a row where August gets completely deleted by that paperwork.
A bunch of trash bags had piled up also and I got them out, I opened a bunch of Digimon card packs before leaving for Aomori which piled it all up and they sat there for a bit.
The rest of new carving tools arrived while I was asleep and trying it out I’m feeling more disappointed with the BeaverCraft stuff. I’m fully willing to accept I’m doing something wrong, or using the leather sharpening wrong, but also the Morakniv AND a bushcraft morakniv I got are both way sharper and easier to use out of the box so I don’t know how to feel.
Will save any proper judgement on that front until I actually know what I’m doing.
I actually woke up slightly sore from the exercise that the carving provided, which was interesting.
There was a minor technical issue with the website. I’ve actually had this domain since 2022 and aside from getting the ball rolling on a blog, it’s been a suspicious amount of hassles getting things running.
Today was Bill Paying Day, which got delayed because of the Aomori trip and hanging out with E and K. This day involves me paying bills at the post office and also paying the rent of the company office.
Normally I spend like a good half an hour catching up with my landlady, but she was going to the opening of a new indian food restaurant she got invited to. She offered me if I wanted to go but I had to do other stuff.
I had in mind to check a woodcarving supposedly in Nipponbashi out of curiosity, so after the adulting I made a pit stop at Ol’ Reliable (Osaka Ohsho Shin Osaka) for a plate of Chahan and a glass of Pepsi before heading on the train.
Sidenote, I wonder why all chahan places only serve Pepsi specifically (which is already an oddity in Japan).
Sidenote 2, I’ve been really into drinking coke with lots of freshly squeezed lemon lately (to the point it’s basically a fizzy lemonade) and I’ve noticed Pepsi overpowers the lemon a LOT.
…sidenote 3, I got a Stanley cup for that and god damn can it hold the ice for a long ass time.
On the train I tried to log into the blog to make quick notes and it had fallen. It got fixed literally about a minute later though, I think CloudFlare was just syncing or something like that.

The woodcarving place turned out to be for like… traditional Japanese woodcarving, which is interesting but not what I was looking for.
Oh yeah, when I told my family about it, they pointed out I had bought woodcarving tools ages ago before moving to Japan, completely forgot about that.

That said, E had been looking for an old video camera and a MiniDisc player and wouldn’t you know it? There was an old electronics shop nearby that had a bunch of those. None were the ones she looked for, but it reminded me that THAT specific chunk of Nipponbashi that I always forget about is really cool.
About Mini Discs, my dad and uncle used them for so long in work, that I was SO SHOCKED to realize not only were they not common but extremely niche.
Which is sad because MDs are so cool…

While there one of those emergency drill messages started blaring out of everyone’s phones.

I had chiropractor in hour and a half so I took the long route back. I actually stopped out of curiosity on a shop near Dotonbori that specializes in canvases and oil painting.
That’s one of those things I’ve ben meaning to get back into (I took oil painting classes in high school, actually) but I feel like I need to get back into drawing first.
The doctor tending to me at the chiropractor today had never heard of Venezuela and it was fun with him asking me how to say things like “Thank you” in Spanish.
I’ve really made progress with the language huh…

Today I played Dark Dominance, a DLsite 3D clicker porn game. I also bought that circle’s earlier game Meido-san to no icharabu kise-gae-sei katsu wa sukidesu ka?
They were short but nice for what they were. Really can’t say there was much depth I could attach to it, though the latter could’ve been played on a sort of once-per-day basis for a month and it would’ve been interesting.

Samabake Scramble (Illgame’s latest release) has also caught a shocking amount of my time. They truly are like Illusion in that way where on paper the game is Fine but it still hooks me harder than I expected.
Actually, that leads me to the post’s title…
Something interesting I’ve realized is that my sexual preferences seem to lean more towards S than M. In fact, it’s not only leaning but pieces that are more M in nature tend to aggravate me sometimes in that “it’s provoking me the wrong way” way.
I haven’t a single M bone in my body, basically.
Whenever I decide to indulge in fantasies, I’ve noticed they skew towards the more forceful and dominating style of things. And I guess the fear I have of indulging on that side of myself (creatively or otherwise) is the contrast of how I normally am vs what I find appealing.
Fear with myself that is, concerns with how others might perceive me if I express that side of myself (even in the right time and context and whatnot) is another topic entirely.
Dunno, perhaps I SHOULD indulge on that to make peace with that contrast. I was gonna say that it’s funny that someone as focused on pleasing people as me would skew so hard the other way under the sheets, but thinking about it, I guess that type of contrast is stereotypical unto itself.
This is less “Justify being a freak” and more “There’s a fear/concern I can’t pinpoint the reason of and I’d rather it not be there, thank you.”
Let’s see… what else…
I took a small notepad with me and made small noted of stuff through the day by the way.
M (have I talked about her yet?) finally replied to me after being quiet for like two weeks, she was in a rough spot and I reminded her I was there if she needed an ear.
L read the blog yesterday and was happy with how it brought her back to how the internet used to be. I thanked her for that, but it’s kinda wild how direct praise from one person fuels me that much.
OH also, yesterday while buying some stuff, a clerk cut off one of those noisy anti-theft thingies, and she basically refused to shut it up (it fell to the ground) until after she finished with me.
That was flattering… and weird.