Today’s deck continues yesterday’s trend, now we’re using the Angel Tarot.

I wasn’t sure if I should be using this one because it feels more like an oracle deck than a tarot deck. But it has which card corresponds to which one so…
By the way, I used it without shuffling in reversed cards because the seal on the back made it asymmetrical.
There’s a parallel to the Goetia at play here. Just like the Goetia has 72 demons, the Shem Ha-Mephorash has 72 angels. The remaining 6 spots are then filled with six archangels (Uriel, Michael, Gabriel, Haniel, Samael, and Metatron).
Reminds me of that one quote that’s like “For a tree to reach heaven its roots must go as deep as hell”. Love that quote.
As for the reading… been seeing the King of Swords a lot lately, huh…
We’ve gone through it, we stan a king with quick thinking born from mental clarity and all that. Three of cups is the card with the three women celebrating, meant to represent what else but-

And the King of Pentacles is the Dad that goes to McDonald’s to the cheers of every kid in the car.
Today’s reading is telling me that good leadership can bring prosperity through cooperation.
I should note that if the read was less about the general vibe of/advice for the day, it would instead be talking about specific people, about the cooperation of someone generous and someone with initiative. Mainly because when court cards are prevalent they tend to talk about people or facets of yourself as it were.
Back to reality, guess who crawled into bed for a “quick nap” at 8pm and ended up sleeping for 10 hours. I even woke up with no clothing and the stuff in my pockets set neatly to one side.
Half-asleep me is shockingly deft sometimes.

I was debating whether or not to go out later today so I decided to kill time playing this game called Cum Girls Vol. 3.
It’s actually part of this subgenre I love that’s basically Dragon Quest 1 but with porn. Many of them even copy the general beat of that map.
DQ1 is, in my opinion, the perfect RPG in the sense that while it might not be the deepest, it’s so elegant in everything it does that it feels in a way like listening to something like Hard Day’s Night, where it’s not the most complex thing but it’s so well crafted that anyone trying to learn is going to learn even more by trying to emulate it.
I was also backing up a bunch of random pics and videos that had piled up in my PC for a couple of months in between.
The reason why I was debating going out is because on one hand the weather was absolutely lovely, but on the other it was Sunday and fuck going out on Sundays.
I ended up leaving to have another Maitake burger, because more than the craving for it, I just didn’t know what else to do.

By the way, I’ve kept playing Station Memories and to my surprise the playerbase is shockingly active. The way the game works is that you “check in” at every station you pass. If it has another girl already there you “fight” it, and if there’s not or you defeat the girl, you end up “linking” to the station and are now defending it.
As I’ve played, there’s so many players that are already in the stations or are un-linking me that have clearly played for quite a while given their teams tend to be all collab characters from a bunch of past collabs.
You’d expect a barren game but I guess that’s how a niche game about train and stations and cute girls stays alive for ten years. Makes a lot of sense in Japan with how many train Otaku there are.

There’s nothing super deep about the game, but it’s kinda like Pikmin Bloom in a way. The appeal is that it’s something you do while you go places or do other things.
Afterwards I started sorting stuff around the house. Specifically I decided to put the books that I know are part of a series in a container above my bookshelves. Basically the difference between a copy of A Canticle for Leibowitz and A Warhammer Book.
The reasoning being that whenever I need something from that series I can just pull down the container and search. For starters I did that with Fighting Fantasy and Discworld.
You know, I’m kinda bummed about Discworld. I started liking the series (aside from Equal Rites but that’s a different can of worms for probably the other blog) but by book 6 (the one that’s basically McBeth, I forget its actual name), they started to feel… samey?
It’s not samey in plot, but rather the writing style and the humor starts feeling like it’s… not the same JOKE but the same structure of joke. And yeah, I know, that’s literally how style works, but I don’t know how else to describe it without going into extreme detail.
The most ultra-specific way I would explain it is that it makes me go “YEAH I GET IT I’M NEURODIVERGENT TOO DO SOMETHING ELSE”. Another super duper specific example is that it feels like watching one of those Top 10 youtube channels where after a bit the intonation becomes so monotonous (not monotone, but rather following the same pattern) that you stop parsing any information.
I should clarify though, this is a me problem, like… it’s squarely in the “Fer’s writer brain gets rubbed the wrong way by something that isn’t even that bad” sort of thing.
That said I also remember trying the first Hitchhiker Guide to the Galaxy book and feeling a similar annoyance so it might’ve been some weird British Humor Saturation. I was also going through them in a stressful period where anything and everything cut my patience short.
…yeah, that might be part of it, because I remember bailing on the Discworld audiobook when I was going to Ise for an Emergency Stress Trip in May. The same trip where the hotel itself made me almost snap like a dry twig.
That one’s a story for another time.

Speaking of books, I just finished one about the death of WCW (a wrestling company) and it’s funny how fast books go when they’re not Moby Dick. Interestingly, it was all information I already knew from watching wrestling stuff on Youtube, but it’s different when the timeline of events is put forth.
I’m debating which one to go through next, though I’m partial to Braving Britannia (a book about player stories in Ultima Online).

To close off here’s an interesting detail. Certain trees in the city have all their leaves and branches cut at the start of fall and by spring the branches have grown back enough again.
I think that’s neat at least.