Today’s deck is the Gourmet Tarot.
It’s actually really good, I especially love how the backs of the cards have a gingham pattern like a tablecloth. It also includes an extra card called The Fortune Cookie.
Knight of Swords indicates ambition, the sort of thing where you’re so set on your path you feel like you can, nay, SHOULD rush ahead. And the key to avoid crisis is, say it with me now
While it’s good advice on the whole, consider the fact that my current “I’m gonna rush to this” goal is writing smut, something I’ve felt very wary just in general to even think about. The reading today feels like a reminder to not shut myself off and share it, be open about it… not necessarily to everyone but you know what I mean.
I woke up at 2AM, meaning my sleep schedule is in a comfortable place so long as I don’t have any appointments at night.
Take a wild guess what I have ahead of me today.
To be more precise, I have two main pending immediate non-computer tasks: getting my ADHD meds refilled and going to the bank.
The bank one is a funny one in an “I laugh to not cry” sort of way. My accountant told me I forgot to send her the bank statements of November and December 2023. And then I remembered why the oversight happened…
You see, the online banking for the company’s bank is a small local bank, this has certain quirks like how outside of Kobe there’s only like 2 branches, or how I need to fax them instead of sending an email (they have no email in fact), or how their online banking system has a monthly fee, or how to login I need to download a software to create a certificate to login, or in this particular case the fact that I can only access up to one calendar year of transaction history.
Why? Good question! The point is that I gotta go to one of the bank branches and manually request for those two months of banking history.
Why can’t I access that myself if they clearly still keep the record? Great question!
You might also be wondering why we’re stuck with such a bank to begin with and that I can answer.
I’m in Japan as a business manager, I made a company to expand game production here and then that company would sponsor my stay in the country. Due a combination of the extra hurdles of making a company as a foreigner and also a bit of a rush due to me staying in the country via flyovers (reminder: I was basically running away from Venezuela), we decided it was faster to “buy” a bankrupt (but legally cleared) company and rename it. Said company came with its own bank account (getting the bank account was one of the main time consuming things) and that’s why I’m in the situation I’m in.
I’ve been working on making a new company from scratch for a number of reasons including the bank nonsense, but that’s a story for another day.
Regardless, I decided to handle that transaction history stuff tomorrow. Not just because it’s easier for me to deal with paperwork when I’ve braced myself one day in advance, but also I need to find a couple of things to take with me.
As I decided that, I also decided to move my appointment to refill my meds to Wednesday, that one is less for the chore factor and more because it’s at 7pm and if my calculation is right I’m gonna go to bed at 7pm, so I’d rather push my schedule ahead a bit more in the process.
I swear to God, hyperfocus only ever kicks in to make a normal sleep schedule go sideways, never to fix it.
I decided to go to Kobe, just to be out for a while and also stop by the Volks shop over there and check for new doll clothing. I also got McDonalds to eat in the 10 minutes or so it takes to get to Kobe via Shinkansen.
After the Volks stop I decided to stop by a Karaoke for kicks. I wanted to try filming myself singing (not me directly though) Makenai Ai ga Kitto Aru… I spent the two hours in the booth basically trying to sing it again and again and these 30 seconds or so are the only bit I was happy with.
The problem is the acoustics of Karaoke. Because the booths are always so small, the microphone’s range is super short to avoid feedback with the speakers (hell, I was getting feedbck from standing in specific spots anyways), which results in me more screaming than singing which also limits MY range.
Raising volume is meant to be for emphasis not the baseline. Not to mention how unwieldy it is to basically be kissing the microphone while shouting.
Ironically, the actual throat-hurting moment came from choking on saliva on my way back.
It was a nice day overall, for as much as I remind myself that it’s fine to just tune out and be a hermit for a bit, it’s also nice to clean off the cobwebs as it were.