SevenStellae is cool

Today’s deck is the Tarot de la Nuit

Real pretty, I wanna say it’s collage but I’m not entirely sure.

Today’s reading immediately brought to mind something that I’ve been thinking about for a while. It’s like… a secondhand fatigue about things being rough.

Here’s what I mean: I have plenty of friends, and those friends share what stresses them with me because they trust me and I cherish that, but there’s this part of myself that’s been lately like “man, can’t you tell me you’re having a good day for once?”.

If there’s no good days there’s not much I can do outside of being there in case I can somehow improve things, but yeah…

So remember when I was talking the other day about how I was sleeping bad because I had “indigestion, kidney sediment, or dehydration”?

The answer was actually “all of the above”, let’s just say I saw the face of God for a brief moment in the bathroom.

Transcendental Bowel Movements aside, the main thing today was paying the office’s rent at 1PM. After one hour waiting I called, my landlady apologized and I paid it at 4PM.

Afterwards I went to the same Karaoke I tried last time to see how things went this time around, and aside from a moment where I go to the bathroom and the microphone has been picking feedback for at least half a minute and someone from the staff was at the booth’s door, everything went well!

I’m always shocked at how many niche songs Joysound has. I was able to find the opening of Luminous Arc 2 for example. I also noticed that comparing with other songs I’ve practiced the MIDI arrangements are also different. Not by much but it’s curious that they’re not the same.

Between yesterday after publishing the post and today I started playing YET ANOTHER game I was looking forward to, SevenStellae.

It’s by the circle ふぁんたじーがむ, who made 勇者と邪神のデスティニー, another game I talked about and praised in the past.

When I played that game I remember thinking “I’m gonna keep an eye on this circle because I feel like big things are coming” and this one certainly didn’t disappoint.

In fact, just on the most superficial of elements, compare デスティニー’s attempt at a tricky angle with SevenStellae’s. I love nothing more than seeing artists evolve and デスティニー already had signs of that all over the place.

Back to the game, it’s a very simple premise. A goddess sends seven (technically eight since it includes two twins) girls to different worlds in order to fight for their peace.

It’s a great format to allow for different kinds of stories, from a shockingly expansive (for the game’s scale) fantasy world, to a magicians’ academy, to a perverted village, and so on.

A cool mechanic is that equipment plays a big role and it’s shared between all girls, so your first run might be tricky but all of that extra equipment will give every other girl a leg up in terms of stats.

Not all campaigns are made equal by design, though. The big fantasy world will end up with your character easily in the 50s while the scenario with the twins is more straightforward so they don’t level much. This is relevant because as you might suspect, the end of the game involves you using all the girls in a team against the final boss. Thankfully you’ve also got things like a shop that sells Level Up Potions by then but the final boss will require a minimum amount of thinking.

Honestly, if I had ONE complaint it’s that the boss battles go (in normal flow by doing everything and not running away) one or two cycles too long. They get into that “I’m not tense I’m just a bit annoyed” range.

And that’s my ONE complaint, I had another one that the Goddess didn’t have any scenes but the author replied to a comment I made explaining that she does but you gotta finish the item book. And gotta say, the scene was worth it.

It was so cool, especially as a secret. Their last game also had a secret final boss but that one was more about tying narrative loose ends and no extra sex scenes, but it was still cool. In fact, last time the game got me used to exploring and getting everything for secrets, the only thing this one did wrong in that sense was not have other smaller secrets around to get you in the mindset that maybe finishing that item book has a reward.

Admittedly, in normal play I would’ve been closer to getting all the items were it not for my approach of banging my head against the final boss until I got him.

By the way, the next Black Metal u-1 game is set to release late this month. January was kinda dry but February has been PACKED.

Also, I’ve been working on those Doll Profiles I mentioned a while back, look for the “Doll Corner” bit at the top of the page or click here.

People are always curious and wonder where they can see more pics in a single place, some don’t even know I have names and personalities for all of them!

If I manage to get one girl per day that’s a fine pace I think. For now the first one is, of course, the first one, Midori.

Tomorrow I’ve got an appointment at that one hair restoration clinic I mentioned like two weeks ago, let’s see how that goes.



