
To herself, a pampered baby. To others, their precious princess.

Third youngest out of four sisters, Haru was the family’s baby for a long time, and this barely changed once her own younger sister came around. This gives her a complex of being unreliable, of others believing her so useless she needs a babysitter. Little does she realize everyone does it because they’re compelled to be there for her every whim.

I can’t remember if Haru’s eyes and head were part of the same set, but at this point they just feel meant for each other. While I have other dolls with faces I’d describe as striking, Haru is definitely the most striking one to this day.

Haru oozes a level of Charisma clearly out of her control, but this charisma wouldn’t be nearly as effective were it not for her own kind and self-sacrificial personality. All her sisters and many friends look after her, but none as often and thoroughly as her older sister Natsu.


“She’s so confident, so independent. More of a big sister than I’ve ever been.”

Haru about Luna

“She makes Natsu so happy, and is always looking after me… but I feel like I make her angry…”

Haru about Marina


Birthday: August 6th
Head: DDH-06
Body: DDS
Color: Semi-white
Bust size: Rajikaru DD L
Favorite Fashion: Things that look… “gentle”, if that makes any sense.
Likes: My sisters
Favorite food: Pizza

“I hope one day I can repay everyone’s kindness…”



“Wah! I didn’t remember we took so many photos that year…!


Thank you for those photos on the Tokyo Bay, I’ve never seen myself like that before.


Such a shame it rained while in Aomori and we couldn’t do more… or eat more apples.