A Walking Sort of Day

Today’s deck is the Circe Tarot.

It actually follows the theme from yesterday in the sense that it’s to greek/hellenic imagery what the one from yesterday was to norse imagery. The thing is that it wasn’t on purpose, if anything I was curious what the (obvious in hindsight) “Circe” name meant.

Today’s reading actually jumped out at me shockingly fast as a simple “work to live, don’t live to work”.

Ten of Pentacles is to me about financial security, about living comfortably. But inverted it might mean the dark side of that wealth. This can go outwards in a “what is being done for that money that might not be savory” but also inwards as a “do you really need to push yourself that hard for that extra money?”

This is balanced given extra context by the Page of Swords, who is traditionally the young lad that is excited to learn how to weild that sword and is overeager to do things. And the Eight of Wands indicating quick blossoming.

One alternative reading for today would be in theory to be wary of those that offer people just starting out the promise of money and growth. But tarot is a language, and language has context.

So today I woke up straight into therapy. By which I mean I had a therapy session at like 8:30 and I woke up at 8:35.

I’m mostly fine nowadays but I still do therapy every week or every other week (depending on how my sleep schedule shifts) mainly to keep myself in check. I’ve actually managed to catch some problems in really early stages because of it.

Afterwards I played this short game called Heroine Conquest from itch.io. I don’t frequent it as much, but itch.io has become another prime place to find Sicko Games.

Heroine Conquest is good and charming, but my complaint is that it’s the sort of game that pads itself a bit too much gameplay-wise.

On paper it’s not bad, it’s effectively an incremental game. The problem is that it’s also a porn game so you want that short term carrot as well as the long term one. If the defeat screen also had some sort of animation (the animations are great by the way) that would’ve given extra reason to grind as long as needed.

Speaking of games, I was surprised to see that the DLsite top charts were filled with the classic Monmusu Quest, but that’s apparently because the final chapter released at the start of the month? And I thought it had released already but apparently what happened was that the games were remade in RPG Maker.

Man, another one that released this year is fucking Purin to Ofuro 2. I’d make the joke that next thing you know Vitamin Quest 2 is gonna released but it already did like 2 years ago.

After doing all that and going through my early day routine I went out to try and send back the mysterious package again, especially because the seller was getting really antsy and my dude, I want my stuff as badly as you want your merch back but I’m also not a seller whose job is to go mail things anyways.

Anyway, on the way to the post office I saw the students from a nearby college of fashion going out for lunch and man, those are a bunch of stylish kids alright.

After finally sending the package, I took some of the post office’s delivery slips for when I send stuff to Mandarake next time and when I got them on my backpack I found extra bills I forgot to pay.

I swear to God, they spread like cockroaches sometimes.

On the way back I bought extra containers for all the books I’m sorting, and then went to get a Maitake burger for lunch.

And this is where I introduce the latest addition to my arsenal.

I got this Olympus Pen EP-7 in my eternal search for a lighter body for city photos.

My main camera, my main prtner, is a Canon Eos R7. I love it and wouldn’t change it for the world, but it’s also one bulky motherfucker even with smaller lenses. I tried to make do with my iPhone and while I’ve grown an appreciation for what the iPhone can do, I still don’t have the same tools.

So, since I’ve seen Nikon and Fujifilm thanks to some friends I decided to give a different brand from those a try.

I’m satisfied with it so far, though I need to find extra settings. I didn’t have the RAW option on nor the colors like I like them but for what I want a camera for (taking urban pics while I walk) it works really well.

All of which is to say that after lunch I took the long way back.

While all of this happened I kept on with the Braving Britannia book and it keeps on adding really interesting history about the game’s production through player stories.

The book itself is really well-structured. It’s not just the anecdotes, the anecdotes also build towards bigger points about these sorts of games both in and out of the screen. I like how near the end it’s when it starts adding stories from developers, if they were at the start the balance of the book would’ve been very off.

After I got back I sat down to play Satisfactory and when the game told me “Hey you’ve been playing for 6 hours, remember to drink some water” I realized I should stop for the day.



