
Do you miss old internet blogs? I sure do.

Microblogging in social media was fine until it wasn’t, and it took me a while to realize I was in the proper mental space to mantain a daily blog. That was something I had tried to do since at least 2022, but finally, here we are.

It’s not just a text blog as a throwback to an internet that feels long gone by now, it’s also because it’s what I’m the most comfortable with and because I can get uncomfortably personal without worries that whatever video platform I’m in will have problems with me. Plus it’s niche enough that the risk of parasocial elements is less by amount.

What’s this website about?

I’m writing this new About page after… 156 published posts while writing the 157th so I can answer this properly.

Each post opens up with a Tarot reading spread on a different playmat before getting into (or trasitioning into) my day. Tarot has been a really good tool for meditation and unless otherwise specified, my prompt for the reading is a general “what wisdom do you have for me today?”

The rest of the post will often include random photos I take during the day (a habit I had before this blog, incidentally) as I talk about what I did, what I played, or what I read.

The writing is very stream of consciousness and unedited. This page is probably the most thought-out part of this website in that sense.

I have good days, I have bad days, I have horny days, and more horny days. I present myself as I am, no more and no less. I will provide Too Much Information, I will be uncomfortably candid about myself, I will do all of that with no warnings. Only guarantee I will give is that there will be no violent or bloody content… and that’s because it’s not stuff I enjoy myself.

The website is not monetized in any way, and for as long as I have a say on the matter it’ll remain like that. If you wanna support the page just… enjoy it, maybe purchase something whenever our company releases something new, but until then I’m happy to flex on my relative wealth by showing you the kind of uncluttered website you COULD have elsewhere but don’t.

If you’re curious about the browser icon, I wrote about it during New Year’s 2025.

About myself…

“That sure is a dumb thing to happen to someone supposedly smart.”

Me about myself.

Hello! My name is Fernando Damas, you might know me from writing and programming VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action.

If not, maybe you remember me from writing for Dangeru.net back in the day.

Regardless of if you do or don’t, here’s a list of things you should know about me as optional context for this blog:

I am…

…in my early 30s as of 2025.


…Venezuelan but moved to Japan around 2018.

…a writer, game designer, narrative designer, programmer (it’s not that impressive because indie developers have to wear many hats), and business manager. The last one seems to take most of my time.

…a photographer in my free time. Doll photographer AND travel photographer (simultaneously) to be more specific.

…an amateur singer from a family of musicians.

…an avid reader but even bigger information sponge. I just love learning anything and sharing it with others.

…a budding fortune teller, I guess.

…Non-Binary. I consider myself male but with a brain wired like a woman’s (Pronouns He/Him).

…neurodivergent (no idea what specifically but I can theorize) with ADHD (medicated).

…bad with violence and violent content.

…too perceptive for my own good and too proud for anyone else’s good.

…proudly blunt, I will shove you into a locker if you imply I’m trying to say or do something indirectly.

…a big fan of Prisma Illya and a bigger fan of Uma Musume.

…a lover of big tits with a fetish for titfucking/titjobs/paizuri. Shortstacks especially get me going real hard.

And as that last line might indicate, I’m also an advocate for sex positivity and the rights and humanity of not just sex workers but anyone that makes adult content in any way or medium.

The only thing I’m more vocal about than that is being critical about the way society (though mainly select individuals) approach the matter in a juvenile and sophomoric manner. So while you can expect me to be unapologetically horny, you can also expect me to be critical of the context and manner in which it takes place.

If going through all the info I’m willing to volunteer for this page didn’t make you recoil, then welcome, I hope my life is as amusing for you to read as it is for me to live.

Other stuff I do:

Uma Musume Blog

Forsaken Gaia



Twitter (RTs only mode currently)