The trip doesn’t truly start until I have a “It’s my vacation and if I wanna keep sleeping all day, I will” moment.
Today’s reading was all Reversed cards! I did a reading like the one yesterday with 3 cards but added a fourth one on top as the “main theme”.
Queen of pentacles/coins, a successful woman that looks after others, in reverse can be seen to mean self-care funnily enough.
Ten of swords, wheel of fortune + strife evokes the idea of being dealt a rough hand, but reversed it stands to reason it will be about healing.
The hierophant is all about faith and dogma, so reversed it speaks of personal freedoms.
The lovers is as much about relationships as it is about choices, so reversed it can be both about self-love androlling with the punches thrown at you (rather than making big choices about it).
I also can’t help but notice that they’re all pointing at ME, like, unanimously so.
Today started very late. Yesterday I had only slept like 5 hours before heading out and then spent 6 on a train, the result was that I was tired but hadn’t burned enough energy, so after like 2 hours sleeping I woke up and went back to sleep at like 5 am. Then I woke up at like 3pm.

I went out to explore a weird building I saw on the way, it was close to a beach which made it a nice spot to explore too.

It was sadly mostly overcast but the breeze was so nice, I’m definitely going back there to take pics later.
The whole area was lovely, there’s even a beach under a bridge that reminds me of a spot in Okinawa I really liked last year.

When it was time to find something to eat, that’s when I actually saw some people. The street was mostly empty… but coming from OSaka my sense of scale with people might just be off and it was actually crowded for the standards of this area. I did buy an apple pie and dried apple chips for later though.

Ended up waiting half an hour on a yakiniku place to try their oysters but they had no oysters to I just had the Yakiniku.
It was FINE, didn’t blow me away but I’ve had worse… way worse. This one time in Kabukicho in 2018 hasn’t left my brain.

On the way back I noticed this one character, she seems to be the mascot of a local hospital.
Afterwards I just… went back to sleep. Speaking of sleep, here’s a random thought I’ve had…
Am I the only one that feels as if there’s a light inside my eyelids?
Sometimes when I try to sleep, I end up feeling like there’s a light hitting me in the face until I open my eyes briefly and my brain is like “oh right we were in total darkness weren’t we”.
Now that I think about it, I used to have a similar problem with non existent noise where I needed to remind myself that I was in silence.
I wonder if that has a name.