Today’s reading was mostly reversed cards, I actually had to triple check that my deck wasn’t TOO skewed but no, at a glance it all was as expected…
In the process of releasing pain, forgiveness has come through kinda dubious money decisions. But they’ve both resulted in better priorities and time management. The dubious money choices have also led to more socialization and independence, while the forgiveness has led to self-affirmation.
This really is the Reversed Hierophant Summer…
N asked me to do a reading for her yesterday and it was interesting. When I read for myself it’s mainly a meditative experience, so trying to do a reading that’s more generalized when I can’t read someone’s mind proved to be very interesting.
I woke up today with a phone call from the reception, they had to do their mandatory cleanup they do every three days so I woke up groggy after like 2 hours to find where to kill time.

I decided to enter some building near the station that I had seen before but never entered proper. They have a museum, restaurant, and souvenir shop.
The souvenir shop sold Magatamas which immediately made my mood better, they were made out of nishiki no ishi, two-colored rocks, rocks they mine in aomori that as the name suggest tend to have two colors.
I bought like four of them…

Then I went to the nearby restaurant and they had a kinda expensive maguro sashimi bowl that was definitely worth its steep 3200 yen price.
My mood definitely improved at this point, though I was still a bit groggy.
I went back to my room to leave the souvenirs and go to Asupamu (the weird triangular building near the hotel) to see if they had more magatamas or something similar. This is when I actually did today’s reading.

I didn’t see anything that caught MY eye at Asupamu, but a friend (let’s call her E) arrived to Japan yesterday and I’ll probably get her and her friend some souvenirs.

I wanted to check a nearby supermarket to see if I could stock up on stuff for the long road back and to my surprise there was an Animate nearby! But I forgot my umbrella at the hotel room so no exploring to that one yet.
On the way back I had dinner at Ikinari Steak because I’m nothing if not an animal of habits…
Someone on Twitter asked me something Nirvana-related and I just replied that I wasn’t involved in the project. Apparently they dug up the thread of when seeing early beta Uma Musume moved me and made me accept giving time to myself and they apologized for a question that was just… the least aggravating question with regards to that project that I’ve gotten in years.
I’ve been treated more humanely by twitter user GayFagSex than by even people I’ve worked with.

Decided to do the usual “at nice hotel, let’s take pics” routine. While I haven’t taken as many as I would’ve wanted, I’m planning on taking all the beach pics I didn’t take this time around in a few days.
After all, I already did the prep and the choices, I just gotta go to the place.
A random thing I remembered today. There was this ad campaign for a lollipop brand called BomBomBum. It was like “Words that make you happy” and it’d do a skit where it would go “Absent teacher, two words that make you happy like BomBomBum” and such.
One I remember was some boys watching some girls in band practice and it starts raining and it goes “Wet T-shirts, two words that make you happy”.
I was too young to even comprehend why that was A Thing but it got burned into my brain from a very specific series of events.
In sixth grade there was a day where we all got soaking wet on the rain and I can’t remember why but it was probably usual kid shenanigans. Someone (I think it was my dad?) made a comment concerned specifically about the fact that there were so many girls that ended up in that situation. Even in sixth grade I couldn’t fully fathom why it was a big deal.
Then I actually hit puberty proper, and I remember with no easy access to porn my main go-to was Wild On, on E! Entertainment Television.
It featured amongst other things, a bunch of wet t-shirt contests, and at some point, those two unfathomable things clicked into place finally, a retroactive “Oh…” moment.
But lately as the memory came back I can’t even remember how explicit the ad was, I’m just like “Man, the stuff they got away with, huh…”