Apparently, the Centennial Waite-Smith deck added a couple of cards that are Samantha Smith’s non-tarot art and I forgot to take them out.
After consideration, I decided to leave them in. Seeing as they are artworks by her I was gonna call it “The Artist Arcana” but then L pointed out it could be called “Seven of Skylarks” and now it’s never gonna leave the deck.

King of cups looking away from the center, Knight of Wands looking towards it. Self-compassion or moodiness, and energy or passion.
Now, what does this new Seven of Skylarks mean? To me this one means art as an external force rather than an internal one. Upright it’s art connecting, reversed it’s art as a cynical product.
So with that in mind, today’s reading is basically “The cure to any moddiness is to pursue your creative whims.”

Appropiately, my wood carving supplies arrived and I tried them! I turned a cube into a ball.
It’s crazy how into it I’m feeling, in particular the fact that just cutting the wood feels good to me.
Two Sloyd knives arrived, a Beavercraft and a Mora one. I was kinda bummed because the Beavercraft one didn’t cut as well as the other one, so I tried to use whetstones for the first time in forever for it with no good results… until I tried the leather strap sharpener and while it was still duller than the Mora one, it was sharper so I definitely missed something and there’s a non zero chance I ruined a good knife.

That’s something to figure out tomorrow though, because my fingers literally turned purple in spots from the effort of carving The Ball.

A friend, let’s call him C, joked that I was the spitting image of my dad. My dad is another person that follows his creative whims, which has led him to repair a whole sofa, repair an accordion AND learn accordion, learn how to use a sewing machine to the point where he once took a coat for a costume he wanted to a professional seamstress to get it fixed and she was like “This is good you just missed a detail here.”
I chatted in voice with L today and while I speak to her every day, it was nice to catch up in voice. She told me about the concept of Ambiverts and that word explains so much about myself.
I’ve always described myself as an extrovert in introvert shell. My natural tendencies (from shyness to preferring to do things at my own pace) lead me to live life like some introverts do, but at the same time I desperately need human interation to the point where if I can’t chat with someone on a given day (which can happen for any number of reasons) my mood worsens significantly.
I just kinda assumed I was bad at being introverted or bad at being extroverted but the idea that there’s an in-between state explains so much.
Sidenote, trying to remember the word I looked up “mixtrovert” and wouldn’t you know it, it’s a Sex Thing.

I went out to send a fax because of fucking course I had to send faxes today and when I did I got a message of transmission error and I took that as a sign to go back home and try again later.

I managed to throw away a LOT of boxes that piled up before I went out to Aomori too.
Productive day all in all, I feel.