But for me it was Tuesday

Today’s tarot is Luna’s Cinamoroll Tarot.

It’s Luna Factory, they’ve yet to disappoint.

Today’s reading tells me that I’m currently in the process of self-forgiveness, of self-realignment, and that this is something that everyone will celebrate.

These cards are actually a good example of why I complained a few days ago about a deck just using the “reversed means bad” approach.

The 4 of Wands represents an external celebration. Reversed 4 of Wands doesn’t necessarily mean the party isn’t there but that the party might be more internal.

Likewise, the Five of Cups Upright isn’t broadly positive and reversed it can actually mean you’re moving on from that negative moment.

Today I was finally able to focus properly on a pending project that got delayed by LIFE and it’s been so fun, it actually makes me annoyed I wasn’t able to tackle it beforehand.

Lots of fun stuff in that front, but nothing I can speak of yet so…

I did walk around Yodobashi Camera for a bit, paid some bills, and took out the trash.

Very routine day over all, but I’ve come to appreciate those lately.



