Today’s deck is the Crow Tarot (Pocket Edition).

I like crows and ravens, but I sadly don’t like crows and raves THAT much, which is a shame because I love the surreal vibe this one has going on.
I’ve always been into surrealism, I remember I had a book about the Surrealist movement back in Venezuela and I loved reading through it multiple times.
Anyway, today’s reading had two cards pop out and the result says something like this:
“You’re feeling a lot of breakthroughs, but you’re also feeling feeling stuck in circumstances beyond your control. Just take a breather, everything will make sense by the end of this road.”
Page of Wands reminds me of the first time I went to Minoh Falls. It was in August of 2020 and I felt so OVERWHELMED by nature I remember the first thing I did after coming back was going to buy a case of colored pencils and a drawing pad.
Didn’t use them at the moment, but again, one of those “oh God brain is feeling positive things after God knows how long…”
The lesson in the 31 days book today was interesting because it talked about learning the minor arcana first. The rationale of the book is that, while they’re More, they’re also more specific and more evocative while the major Arcana are more esoteric and broad.
By the way, did you know that the opposite of Esoteric is Exoteric?
The exercise was to familiarize yourself with the imagery of the traditional four elements: water, fire, earth, and air (fucking magnets, how do they work). This is an interesting exercise because every suit of minor Arcana is associated with an element and interpretation might be different for others.
For example, Swords are Air and Pentacles are Fire. Swords are the ones more associated with conflict, but someone might feel like fire is more destructive than air and come to the conclusion that Pentacles (coins) are more fitting for Conflict because money is the root of all evil and whatnot.
The day officially started with more updates required for the current visa stuff which definitely set a tone for the day.

I had chiropractor at 5PM so I decided to have a very late lunch at Osaka Ohsho, then it started raining and I was stuck. Thankfully there was a pharmacy nearby and I took the chance to buy things like a new toothbrush head. I also got one of those battery-powered rolling things for your heels.
I came back home quickly after the rain kinda stopped and I made it just in time before another big shower of rain and some thunder started.
At around the time I was stuck in the pharmacy I moved the chiropractor appointment to tomorrow too.
You can tell I’m stressed because when I’m stressed I start to clean things around my apartment.
“But Fer you’re always cleaning your apartment!”
And it ain’t any cleaner… though I AM making progress all in all.
It wasn’t a day with much novelty beyond that, thankfully. I did manage to clear a run of Peglin at the very least. TWO in fact.

I also played another DLsite game called “Tittyfuck Ejaculation Endurance Test” (I mean technically the name is “Breast Ejaculation Endurance Test” but “Breast Ejaculation” is not a pleasant wording). It’s actually very similar to that circle’s earlier work though the art has definitely seen an improvement.

I also got a couple of manga by this one illustrator called Omnisucker. The artstyle is nice in the way they use cross hatcheting.

I also recently joined Yoji Sorimura’s discord thanks to being part of their Fantia page. Sorimura is low-key an inspiration not just from the art they make and they years I’ve followed them but because if you check their twitter most of it is them gardening, or pictures of their cats and such.
Maybe it’s just projection but I LOVE seeing artists live their life.

Speaking of manga, in the process of sorting things I remembered I got this one manga called “Heisei’s Fallen Heroine Sumire-chan”. It’s about a 31 year old retired idol that still retains a lot of of her idol charms but is also a gambling addict with a debt of 3 million yen from Pachinko.
Fully recommend.
Today I had the displeasure of seeing someone do the whole thing where they basically say “I love everything about VA-11 Hall-A except the writing”.
Now, on its own the criticism is the most whatever thing, writing is subjective and if someone doesn’t like it that’s fine with me. But singling me out is a bit of a sore spot.
When the game had just released, the praise was levied to the product as a whole, but when criticisms arose I was the one on the crosshairs of it because it would be either the writing or technical things from being the first thing I ever programmed to that scale.
I spent the first few YEARS not knowing how my writing was received because it felt like nobody ever pointed out things they specifically liked on the writing department so I assumed I was not that good of a writer and just serviceable for the task at hand.
So even though I reflexively blocked the person as I often do, it’s like getting hit on a sore spot from the past. You know the worse already passed and it’s not gonna spontaneously open up out of nowhere, but it still sucks in a very particular, special way.
To that person’s credit, “seeing their new trailer and furiously looking up if they changed writers”, hey you’re in luck I guess.
What gets me is when they’re like “well they’re gonna have to put effort to court me back in” like we owe that individual in particular very specifically an apology.
I’ve been told in the past that reacting to critics isn’t good and I do agree… on a professional level. If your company becomes pissy about a specific critic that is never EVER a good look.
Thankfully I’m not a corporate entity most of the time and whenever I voice this sort of thing I make sure it’s in the most personal way possible.