Category: Journal

  • Aomori day 1

    Aomori day 1

    The trip doesn’t truly start until I have a “It’s my vacation and if I wanna keep sleeping all day, I will” moment.

  • To Aomori we go

    To Aomori we go

    Today I made a reading thinking about what awaits me at today’s trip. Queen of cups reversed, Knight of cups reversed, Knight of wands.

  • Kool-Aid Day

    Kool-Aid Day

    Today’s card was Reversed Strength, then as I was idly shuffling the deck while chuckling at how fitting that felt for how my day started, the Reversed Chariot dropped from the deck.

  • Let the journaling begin

    Let the journaling begin

    Man, getting this domain to work properly has been an adventure of its own… but that’s not today’s tale.