Class B Girls

Today’s deck is Choose Your Own Adventure The Tarot Deck.

My first exposure to CYOA was the fact that when I started learning Ren’Py in like 2011, Visual Novels were often described as “CYOA books but in game form”. And I appreciated the attempt at explanation but it’s funny that I was more familiar with VNs by then than CYOA books and instead I got the general gist of what CYOA was about via the VN frame of reference.

The deck itself is cool. Despite the last paragraph, I did actually start looking into CYOA in recent years and I have a few books around. And at least from my cursory glance this deck seems like it’s not so much taking the DO YOU REMEMBER THIS approach as it is… basically acting as if Tarot is a CYOA edition itself.

That said, one of the cards bent and creased while I was shuffling and I don’t think that’s ever happened even before starting this blog. But the quality is fine otherwise.

Today’s reading feels like it’s reflecting on my own inner state. Fast internal changes, lots of internal goals being met, also a LOT of internal exhaustion.

No weird nightmares today. Not in sleepland at least.

A new volume of Yotsuba& released and apparently Osaka from Azumanga Daioh was added to it. This would be neat… if not for the fact that in recent years Azumanga Daioh (and Osaka and Tomo specifically) have been co-opted by Very Annoying People, so said Very Annoying People came out of the woodwork suddenly.

I don’t hate Azumanga Daioh or Yotsuba&, but those people are like… they’re a bit like the specific brand of Twitter Lesbian that co-opted Lain, but less about being menhera via 90s anime and more about having an annoying sense of humor, the same sort of people that would find that one Turnip Tax Fraud game funny instead of infinitely annoying.

I cannot wait until that statement I just wrote becomes an incomprehensible time capsule.

Outside of that, today was mostly uneventful.

I made TWO phone calls, picked up some Warhammer preorders, and did some cleaning both in the house and the computer (mainly backing up old files and such).

I should get back into Warhammer. I do let my hobbies ebb and flow as they want and I know I’ll get back into binging Spess Marines before long but I am starting to miss it a bit.

I wish the flow of that got back into going to the gym because I’m definitely getting a little flabby…

…I mean, I’m naturally thin so flabby for me would be goals for someone else, I’m sure. But still.

By the way, today’s title is because I was remembering something I saw ages ago and I’ve been trying to remember WHERE I saw it.

It was… either a Girl’s Bar (think like the one in Bunny Garden) or a Concafe (AKA Concept Cafe, AKA “What you call a Maid Cafe that’s not about Maids”) and its name was something like “Class B Girls” with a bunch the cast in gyaru-ish uniforms.

The idea, you see, is that the fantasy they sell is that you’re meeting up with girls of your same school year but in the other class. You’re in class A, they’re in class B.

It’s such a delightfully specific fantasy and yet one you understand completely. Your classmates, even if distant, are people you end up pushed towards in some way eventually. But the other class? There’s an alluring mystery to those girls.

I can’t remember where exactly I saw it, but my vague memory is that I saw it one time where I decided to explore by taking a train and going the opposite from my usual way.

I suspect I’ll have to kill time tomorrow between appointments so I’ll check tomorrow and report back.



