There is no Tryende… anyway, today’s deck is the Fairy Tarot.

Less sexy fae fairy and more skiddaddle skidoodle your dick is now a noodle fairy.
Today’s reading advices that if I feel like my persistence and drive is waning, the reason might be that I’m letting emotional moments give me choice paralysis.
It’s near the end of the month and the Manperiod hasn’t hit yet, that advice is gonna be handy next week probably.

After a couple of very eventful days, thankfully today winded down. It did start a bit earlier than usual because X (my friend, not the platform by the loser nazi saluting twice) was asking for help with something which snapped me awake.

Beyond that, I went to get my meds refilled at the pharmacy and had Yakisoba for the first time in a hot minute, then I went back home and after a nap I made dial up noises for a bit and… not much more, really.
The dialup noises aren’t figurative by the way. The weird mouth noises I end up making are pretty much That.

Talking with L the other day I came to an interesting conclusion.
It started when I was talking about the funny thing that happens with male-oriented vs female-oriented media where the male-oriented one tries to make the main character as faceless as possible while the female-oriented stories make them really vibrant by comparison.
In erotica and romcoms the male MC will often be just… nice but really non-descript outside of being generally “nice”, while female MCs will have specific charm points even when they’re “bland”.
If you go to mobile games like FGO or Granblue, it’s interesting to see the male MC be a dark-haired dude while the female MCs have more vibrant colors and such.
During the conversations I chalked it in a half-serious, half-joking, nonetheless admittedly reductive way to how men see their value (read: appeal) in terms of what they can provide to others (hence the prevalence of nice guy type characters), while women see their value (again, appeal) in terms of more specific traits, be it personality-wise (being cheery, being cutesy, etc) or physically.
Now here’s the kicker of the whole thing. Talking about this made me realize something funny. In this tendency I just stereotyped, each side ends up ironically being really appealing to the other.
A female character designed with a female audience in mind, with its focus on visuals and a specific personality ends up really appealing to guys, while girls would find it easy to find a guy that’s non-offensive but also nice really appealing.
After all, part of why SAO has a shockingly large female fanbase is predicated on the fact that regardless of what a male reader might see, what a female reader sees in Kirito is a decent enough guy that remains loyal to a single a girl.
There’s no bigger point, I just found the idea of “if only they realized they’re on the same side of the conflict” in all of it really funny.

By the way, I’ve seen this red riding hood character ever since moving in and a part of me just assumed that “akazukin” (Japanese for Red Riding Hood) was just slang for a lit cigar (because of the lit part being red and stuff).
Turns out this girl is actually called “Akanzukin” and the name is amazing because it mixes 赤ずきん (again, red riding hood) with あかん (Akan, Osakan slang for “no good”, a regional equivalent of だめ).