Today’s deck is the Tarot of the Cosmic Seed.

It’s a neat deck with collaged images and a couple of names shifted around like The Empress being “The Divine Feminine”.
Today’s reading includes something I don’t think I’ve gotten that much in the past: The World reversed. If The World is external closure it can also mean internal closure, if it means the end of a long road it can also mean shortcuts, and I find that really interesting.
So what do I think I’ve gotten today? Something to the effect of “The key to internal closure is to let your subconscious set you free”.

So a couple of clarifications from yesterday for the heck of it.
When I talked about changing underwear constantly it sounded like I have a rancid crotch, but when I say Dick Smell I mean… any smell. I’m REALLY sensitive about my own body odor in general, any body odor. I tend to also have deodorant in hand just in case. It’s less of a germophobe paranoia sort of thing and more of a “I don’t want to bother others with my smell”… paranoia… sort of thing.
Also in the Porn Stash bit, I forgot to mention that the thing that made the whole memory so baffling to unlock, is that I had that stuff BEFORE I even masturbated for the first time (at age… 10 if I remember right). My brain was just like “this is good” before I could even understand WHY it was good.
One time as a little kid I saw some news of a meteor traveling close to earth and I was so scared my grandpa asked me why I was pale. He then made mention of a girl he knew that got scared of the world ending so she “gave herself to her boysfriend”. And I remember not knowing what that entailed but getting a vague idea in my baby brain of “yeah, she was scared so she did something she wouldn’t have done otherwise, I understand that”.
Anyway, it’s weird how Baby Brain knows more than one thinks, it just lacks the… language, basically.

Back to our regular programming, I FINALLY made it to a singing lesson today. It was fun as expected, lots of catching up with my teacher (who is apparently training to be a monk, go figure).
While in a regular lesson I’d be “done” with the current song I’m practicing by now, the fact that I gotta practice it for a recital offers a different level of polish to consider. It’s not just “yeah the oddities that cropped up when you tried to sing this have been smoothened”, now there’s an extra dimension of “polish the performance for a small crowd”.
No idea what that entails exactly just yet but it’s definitely a thing.

The TRUE highlight is my teacher telling me that you can bring your own microphones to karaoke parlors. My mind was blown in part because that solves my issue but also because in hindsight it’s so obvious. Karaoke consoles tend to have DVDs and other auxiliary stuff that I never paid much attention to.
She even gave me the exact model in the lesson (and the recital): Shure SM58 Beta. Or Beta 58… it had SM and Beta and 58 on the name.
That idea got me so pumped up I went straight to Yodobashi Camera after the lesson remembering they have a fancy audio section. However, to my surprise, they don’t have fancy microphones specifically. I was able to order them for in-store pickup but that was a bit of a bummer since it said “available after 7 hours”.
Also odd too. I guess microphones are not as easy to sell people into? But not even for the Streamers Section?

Oh well, there’s always stuff to do anyways, I can wait until tomorrow for that.
Back home, I was picking up a towel off the floor and I noticed it was warm. This is normal during the day when the sun is blasting on the window, but at 5PM in winter? I panicked a bit thinking my ipad or some other device was on and overheating because technology is like that now, I guess.
Turns out the floor itself was hot and that weirded me out even more until I remembered something from the deepest recesses of my memory…
This apartment has floor heaters, floor heaters that I’ve never used because I tend to spend my day at the PC or the bed.
I went to check the panel and… yeah, I guess I pressed the button by accident at some point and turned it on. Still good to know, though.
I’ve been living here for 5 years and I forgot I had floor heating, God Damn…
Even funnier is the fact that even if I remembered that I had floor heating, I assumed it was just on the other half of the living room where my TV is.

Summer Sakari releases at midnight hopefully… and I kinda dread what it might do to my sleep schedule right after it fixed itself.
We’ll see, we’ll see.