Today’s deck is the White Sage Tarot.

Very minimalist deck. I tend to dislike the ones that overload with SYMBOLISM but this one is too little instead, I think.
Today’s reading goes something like this:
“Keep indulging like you are, that’s how you avoid crumbling in these times of imbalance”.
My idea of The Devil card nowadays is very informed by how my idea of what the shadow self is has evolved. The best way to describe it would be that the Reversed Devil to me is Fray from the FF14 Dark Knight questline. Technically your dark side, your selfish side, but it’s a side that ultimately wants what it thinks is the best for you (whether or not it really is, it’s another matter).
So basically Upright and Reversed Devil to me are the difference between the outer darkness trying to impose itself on you vs the inner darkness that imposes itself on others.
Today’s lesson in the 31 days book was to learn about the suit of cups. The exercise was about basically practicing and seeing them side to side. I didn’t do this just because I know the way I learn best basically.

I had Japanese lesson, which went fine, and then chiropractor, which also was thankfully uneventful. Also apparently they had a festival in the nearby park? It was very quiet because I didn’t hear anything from it through the day.
The biggest thing today was continuing with the current visa paperwork. Lots of back and forth, I’ll write about it when I’m hopefully done with it all.

A DLsite game I was looking for actually released today! Winter – Inaka no Seikatsu, the sequel to another game called Summer – Inaka no Seikatsu, where you go spend summer with… I wanna say relatives? But instead spend them living alone with a girl

It actually got an anime some time ago, the first game.
It was more of the same, which isn’t bad at all in this case, especially considering how pretty the first one was. Though there WAS a notable difference in the fact that, being Winter Hazuki doesn’t have tanlines. They also do use that “you’re back here again” element in the plot itself which is fun.
It’s also not the first Summer Vacation game to release a winter holidays variant during summer funnily enough. Amaenbo Winter did that too.
If I had a nickle etc etc etc.
I tend to write all the end-of-post tangents on the trains and in advance, and this is something I wrote yesterday night before sleeping. I was gonna lead into it with a different point, but I forgot what that point was. That said, I do feel like those tired thoughts are worth documenting because it’s a voice that has no energy to put up pretenses of anything, so here it is as I wrote them in that moment:
I just feel like I’m always on the edge of just… Crumbling like a dry leaf on the palm of God.
I know that factually I’ve endured a lot and I’m probably emotionally hardier than the average (more an observation than me bragging) but if so… Why does it always feel like I’m one bad day away from needing a whole year to recover AGAIN?