Today’s deck is the Tarot of a Moon Garden.

The illustrations are nice, but the wild thing is the size of the cards. It’s not the usual tarot thinner affair, this is like two small regular playing cards on top of each other. They also have the sort of… riveted coating that makes them super easy to shuffle.
If I had to explain today’s reading, it’s reflecting me feeling like I’ve moved on from a lot of old scars from the past thanks to being in tune with the less surface-level part of myself. Still lots of work to to do, but I can reap some rewards.
I’ve gotten the Seven of Pentacles a lot lately, huh…

So remember me ending the last entry with basically “I will regret my choices”?
The consequences of my actions were less than expected. Turns out drinking Ukon no Chikara, making sure to be hydrated, and chugging antacids before sleep minimized the effects to just feeling like I’m spinning in my bed, which honestly? Is just how I feel after stressful periods anyways.
I guess I also didn’t sleep 100% well and I’m pretty sure I had weird dreams I don’t remember, but all in all… could’ve been worse.

I did remember a couple of things from yesterday that I forgot to mention.
The first is that I had TWO moments of people asking me how/where/since when I’ve learned Japanese because of my pronunciation which was really nice.
For those that don’t know, the meme with getting Nihongo Jouzu’d (“your Japanese is so good”) is that when they’re actually impressed by your Japanese they ask you since when you’ve been speaking it instead.
The other was a moment where a bunch of drunk Japanese people were really excited to learn how to properly curse in English, putting emphasis on how it’s pronounced “FOCK” and not “FACK”.
There’s something so… communal and nice when sharing how each language smears the name of the creator.

Back to today, I was vibing on my house until I was told that the friend visiting PLUS a friend of theirs tagging along were wondering what to do so I dragged my ass to their place and suggested Karaoke.
And so, we went to a Big Echo a couple of minutes from my friend’s Airbnb. We spent 2 hours screeching and shouting and having a fucking blast.
Afterwards we parted ways a bit early, mainly because I had to do laundry and other chores.
We talked about stuff to do tomorrow though, so it’s fine.

Oh yeah I did get another message going “Hey I absolutely love the porn you share on twitter”. And you know what? Not that I was in a bad mood but that DID make my day.
It’s one thing for someone to go “we share the same tastes”, it’s another for someone to go “I absolutely love your tastes”.