Today’s deck is the Squid Cake Marseille Tarot.

The only thing I feel like pointing out is that the cards are a BIT too stiff for my liking, I prefer bendier cards for shuffling. But it’s a nice deck otherwise!
Today’s reading warns against unfocused money-related haste. More specifically the “haste” referring more to the “I wanna draw the Mona Lisa but I can barely draw a circle” sort of haste. So in other words wanting to make money through something that requires time, even if the rush for it is born out of excitement.
While not 100% related, something that I had in mind as of late is that my main goal with work is being able to get working on something and not needing almost 5 years to recover from the subsequent burnout.
Last rushes and such are common and expected but there’s a difference between burning extra fuel and burning the furniture because this fire has to stay roaring longer.

Lately my sleep schedule has been reversed, with me waking up at like 1AM, and while this sort of schedule is a hassle, it’s actually handy because I can focus on working and getting everything out of the way and by the time everything actually opens I’ve already done a lot.
But today is Sunday so I spent most of the early day in my usual cleanup routine. One addition however was that I discovered that a lot of gravure idols I like have like… five times as many ebook-only photobooks as they have physical ones.
And checking that kind of bibliography is funny because you might go “Gee, Umi Shinonome’s boobs sure grew in three years” the same way you might with a fictional character whose artist just kept increasing the bust size as time went on.

And while the instinct might be to chalk it up to cosmetic surgeries (we don’t care a single bit in this house if your boobs or your butt are fake, it’s your body your choice), it made me think about how young so many of these models start to the point that there’s still some growing up left to do.
I’m not even talking about puberty, I’m talking about that final “settling in” that happens between 18 and roughly 25-26. For me it apparently made me grow a couple extra cm taller if the reaction of some people over the years is to be believed.
The highlight of this binge, however, is definitely finding so many Yuu Tano photobooks I didn’t know existed.

When it comes to real life I’m a firm believer that there’s no objective “good” or “bad” when it comes to looks, just different charm points that are equally as valuable to the right people, and with enough emotional investment you eventually become said right people.
THAT SAID if you’ve got the Yuu Tano body, I AM single. Just saying.

I wanted to go SOMEWHERE but also I hate going out on Sundays so I dragged myself out with the intent of just taking a long walk to Nipponbashi. First I made a stop at Umeda to eat my beloved Maitake Burger. My assessment of things being crowded proved true though, since getting a seat was a chore and a half and I ended up literally in between two couples.
You’ve heard of third wheels, now get ready for the spare tire!
In Venezuela third wheels are called “lamparitas” by the way, “Lamps”. I don’t know the exact origin but I assume it’s meant to be like you’ve got the couple in bed and the lamp on the side.

I finally made it to Nipponbashi, I made a quick stop at the Volks shop to see if the new doll clothing had released yet. It hadn’t so I just decided to head back.
Then I saw there was a Piromizu-sensei exhibit but it was apparently closed for the day so again, I headed back.
You might think it was a wasted trip, but not only was the stroll my original intent anyways, but also I was listening to that book about Roguelikes I mentioned yesterday all the way through.
It’s great not only because like with Stay Awhile and Listen it includes a bunch of interviews with the actual people that made those games, but it’s all set on the 70s and 80s away from consoles and in old computers which is a period I love to hear about.
Not one I would like to live in when it comes to tech, but one that’s infinitely fascinating to me.
Perhaps the most interesting bit so far is talking about Nethack, a game famous for the myriad interactions vailable to the player like (one of its most famous examples) being able to swing a cockatrice carcass as a weapon to petrify everything, and how that sort of complexity comes from the fact that not only is Nethack built upon the foundation of Rogue (THE “Rogue” in “Roguelike”), but it’s even an iteration of a game called Hack that was iterated by a team.
It also points out games that ended up being like Rogue but were contemporaries as examples of convergent evolution. The example brought forth being Beneath Apple Manor.
Anyway, tomorrow’s Monday and next week I’m gonna be out of the house for a while so it’s gonna be a busy week to not leave anything pending before then.