Today’s deck is Vox Arcana.

It’s neat! I has a bunch of art by a bunch of different people. The only thing that stops me from saying I’m in love with it is honestly that I’m too much of a weeb, and the deck isn’t weeb enough.
Today’s reading feels timely because I’ve been thinking lately about all the projects I’ve had to put to the side or haven’t been able to work on for any number of reasons. Today’s reading feels like it’s telling me that pausing those things has happened for a reason.
There’s probably a more precise meaning, but the whole point of tarot is what the cards bring to mind and seeing the cards brought THAT to mind.

There’s nothing much that eventful today, I ordered some Warhammer stuff (new Lucius book went up for preorder), picked up other preorders at the Games Workshop shop and turns out it’s its anniversary so they’re having one of those “buy stuff, get a mug” campaigns.
Everyone’s entitled to their own James Workshop opinion, I like how nice the staff and the people in the shop are. I like that I’m the Books Gaijin.

It was a nice day to walk around though, because (and I think I’ve mentioned this plenty in the past), Japan’s change in season is SUDDEN. Literally FMarch 1st and it goes from like 5 degrees to 15.
The drawback is that it’s getting warmer because it’s raining again, and in fact, it seems like it’s gonna be rainy from tomorrow ’till Thursday.
Literally gonna rain while I’m in Tokyo.

Speaking of Tokyo, I bought the round trip shinkansen tickets in advance just for the heck of it aaaaaand I’m just remembering as I write this that one of the reasons I went out to begin with was to take a photo for the whole thing I’m going to Tokyo for.
Anyone remember me saying a few months ago how even if I couldn’t do some paperwork at least I managed to take a pic that’s good for like three months or something?
Good times, good times…

I did play this one game called “My Hotel in Another World”. The name might make you think it’s a management sim, but… not really, no.
You need to collect two resources and money from each room, but more than a hotel it’s more like you’re renting rooms to a selection of girls that drop by.
It’s neat! Very stress free too. My only complaint is that the game is clearly aimed more towards a flat-chested cast because the only one with considerable tits is the elf princess with a single scene.
But that’s purely a me complaint by that point.
By the way if you’re wondering what today’s title is about…