Today’s deck is the Chubby Cat Tarot.

I’m gonna be honest, when I think “cute cat” I think less marketeable plushie and more Creature. This deck isn’t bad, it’s just nor Creature enough.

Today’s reading is very… flashy. I helped a couple of friend financially lately and this feels like it’s congratulating me for embracing my charitable “provider” side, almost.

So here’s something I was remembering.

There’s this small (relatively speaking) chain of supermarkets called ロヂャース or “Roger’s” around the Kanto area but originating in Saitama. And the Urawa store had this mascot that just kinda expanded to the whole chain around 2018.

Her name is Rojami Harashima and I love her design so much.

Something about the way she’s designed and colored really gives you that vibe of “local supermarket where the owner’s son made a cool character for it”. That’s not quite what she is, but it’s the vibe.

Honestly, you can kinda tell her designer is skilled because there’s some knowledge of anatomy that shouldn’t be scoffed at.

I also appreciate the bit where her tits are bigger than her head, but she never shows any cleavage. It’s a really interesting way to keep the massive chest but keep it PG as it were.

I know what I said and I stand by it.

By the way, I took all pics from this website, except the last one, that one I took from this website instead.

So anyways, I took it easy today and spent most of the day playing a game called “Wife wants to be NTR’d”.

I’ve actually played other of the circle’s games in the past. They’re usually 3D takes on 2D games and I don’t necessarily mean it in a bad way. Rather than feeling like a copy it feels like “I liked this game so I wanted to make one too”.

Notably they made one that was a bit of a take on Summer Inaka no Seikatsu, and this one is a bit of a take on the NTR Densetsu/NTRaholic formula.

I’m not gonna go on my annoying tangent about how NTR needs a cuck or else it’s just a simple infidelity narrative, and the NTR part does come into place once but we’ll get to it.

The premise is familiar: Chara dude, hot housewife neighbor, tempt her. The process is VERY slow though, had I not seen the screencaps and know that there IS content I would’ve grown frustrated at how slow the trickling of erotic content is.

When it rains it pours, though. And gotta say, the circle has gotten better with their handling of 3D all in all.

There’s actually an interesting route split in the game with some neat design in it. Basically the housewife gets you a coupon that lets you fuck the local soapland idol (don’t think too hard about it), and when you do said idol asks you what you think of the housewife. You can tell her you love her and want to marry her, or that this is all still a revenge plan.

If you pick the latter option there’s some humilliation and that’s the only time where the game remembers it’s supposed to be an NTR plot and you record the usual “I’m here with your wife!” video. But if you pick the former you eventually get the goal of getting her pregnant (this is purely a plot point and has no gameplay effect).

The cool thing is that if you pick the revenge route, your goals (filling the girl’s bars of affection/lust) are shorter, but the love route opens up a whole new location and more events despite being “harder”. Basically after the 1500 lust break point, you get goals in the revenge route at 1600, 1700, 1800, and 2000; but the love route makes you go from 1500 to 2000 for the first goal.

The numbers aren’t that hard to fill by that point in the game, it’s just that I find neat the design intent behind it all.

Kinda rough, kinda slow at the start, a bit undercooked as of right now (there’s a bunny suit but you can’t do anything with it for now), but I don’t regret my time with it.

After another episode of “No I’m not into NTR, stop asking”, I decided to take a walk. I wanted to go to Karaoke and get food and if I didn’t find food I’d get food at Karaoke.

I decided to go further north just for kicks and HOLY SHIT!



“Amateur Uniform Girls Bar 3rd Year Class B”.

So it WAS a Girls Bar, not a concafe. I also love the fact that it’s even more specific than I thought, it’s not just the girls from the other class, it’s the ones that are almost graduating.

Wanderlust took the best of me and I decided to walk one station back to my usual Joysound, and instead of taking the shorter route I decided to walk to the OTHER bridge that crosses the Kanzaki river.

Never been in that area. I’ve explored near that station but it was always uh… on one side and noth the other basically.

So anyways, karaoke.

The people right before me had the Joysound scoring thingy on and I couldn’t figure out how to turn it off for a bit.

It’s neat! It actually gives advice like how on the beat you were and how much of the song’s range you covered. But the score part is kinda reductive of expression and also the whole thing was distracting so I eventually figured out how to turn it off.

In today’s case study of how oddly specific Karaoke can be, they didn’t have Konya wa Hurricane, but they had Y’know. Basically they didn’t have Bubblegum Crisis’ opening, but they had Tokyo 2040’s.

I don’t mind, I like 2040, I grew up with it, it’s part of the trifecta with Digimon 02 and Saint Seiya that left me with a lifelong obsession with Cool Armors.

But the omission IS weird.

Back home, I SHOULD be packing for the brief Tokyo stint but instead my brain went “Hey, let’s move the containers with the mats you’ve used so far” so guess what I did.

At least I managed to consolidate them neatly enough that I actually ended up with one empty container, but ADHD brain is… fickle.

Aaaaanyway, lowkey looking for the Tokyo Trip despite it having the double whammy of Tokyo and Bureaucracy because if nothing else I’ll meet up with people in the process.

And as I triple check that I have all requirements packed up I just rememebered.

I forgot to take the fucking photo again.



