Johto Exists

Today’s deck is the Edgar Allan Poe Tarot.

All I wanted it to be is… better than the Dickens one from a while and then The Fool is The Cask of Amontillado. I was sold.

Today’s reading seems to reflect the general inner turmoil that I’ve talked about the past few days, but there’s a couple of interesting nuances that it adds.

One is that it’s all for the sake of improving my own level of self-expression, and the other is that even though I might be frozen by an overload of information, I’m on the way to release those worries.

A good reminder, methinks.

So here’s a fun bit of linguistic nonsense.

Macho is Spanish for Male… That is in the broader biological sense. A human male within a social context is a Varón.

Your dog? He’s a Macho. That baby? That’s a Varón.

Women though? Whether socially or biologically, they’re Hembras. It doesn’t matter if you’re talking about a dog or a baby, they’re both Hembras.

Which wouldn’t be out of place without that exception to males.

By the way, in case some of you are just realizing it: yeah part of the resistance to “Feminism” even by people that otherwise agree with everything proposed by it is that fact that, at least in Spanish, it just sounds like “Machismo but reverse”, and while that’s a descriptor of the more radical fringes of the idea, there’s something to be said about how the name of a thing can affect your impression of it.

I know it certainly painted MY impression back in the day.

Speaking of Gender Nonsense, in all my reading about religion and whatnot there’s an interesting omission I’ve encountered.

For as much as things in the new testament talk about redeeming Adam’s original sin, there’s never a similar moment but for women, where they get to make up for whatever Eve did that made God curse them with menstrual cramps.

Linguistics and theology aside, the day started with me killing time before having therapy, which flew by as I updated my therapist with a fraction of all the stuff I’ve been writing down.

Afterwards, I decided that I should treat myself, so I went to the Lalaport at Banpakukinen Koen to see if it had a JS Burger like I saw and it did!

Funnily enough, however, the burger wasn’t the best thing about it. They had a salad bar and oh my God the Lemon dressing was to die for. I’m still thinking about it hours later as I write this.

Aside from the usual inner turmoil stuff, I took it easy today, but I did do something that relates to the title today.

I contacted a trash disposal company to see if they could get rid of a couple of old sex toys I had around, mainly a silicone torso with metal frame, and if so I could use the service to also get rid of some annoying trash that I don’t know how to select when throwing out oversized trash.

Turns out the company in question is located in the Joto ward, and that kinda blew my mind.

I knew that the Johto region in Pokemon was based in Kansai (I basically live in Goldenrod City though the scale of “city” is a bit malleable), but I thought “Johto” was a made up name like “Hoenn” and “Sinnoh”.

I didn’t head to karaoke today because I wanted to just rest, and it came back to bite me in the ass when I remembered the existence of Patlabor’s ending and really wanted to practice it but I was getting sleepy.

I’ll just practice that tomorrow, no big deal.



