Today’s card was Reversed Strength, then as I was idly shuffling the deck while chuckling at how fitting that felt for how my day started, the Reversed Chariot dropped from the deck.
“Be more proactive” *pause* “…but don’t be pushy and get hasty, dumbass.”
My day started running to send faxes before going to Japanese lessons. In the middle of it all I saw that Secret Galaxy posted a video about Kool-Aid.
Kool-Aid tends to be associated with drugs and cults in the US (even though Jonestown used Flavor-aid), but in Venezuela it was associated with toilets.
Barely diluted Kool-Aid was so acidic that it was a common budget choice for cleaning toilet bowls. Just drop a packet of Kool-aid and scrub away.
I actually don’t have that many memories of drinking Kool-Aid because every adult treated it like acid that would eat your insides.
It was like that one experiment where you clean coins with coke, except it was as if cleaning coins with coke was something you did on the regular for some reason
Also I didn’t realize until I saw that video that it was meant to be “Kool-ade” like Lemonade, but apparently you cannot used “-ade” if it’s not made of actual fruits.

After Japanese lesson I found myself in the ADHD Loop. I made it to the local Home Center before remembering I wanted to buy the Shinkansen tickets for my trip tomorrow in advance, and if I did that I could get McDonald’s on the way back.
As I walked back to the station however, I remembered I went to the Home Center to buy lubricant for the wheels of my luggage… But how long would that take? I had to be back home by 7 to wait for a parcel too…
I call it the ADHD Loop because in mentally trying to route my day indecision hits me. The solution is usually to remember I have enough time later for things. In this particular case the loop-breaker was that McDonald’s was full.

Tomorrow I head out to Aomori for a while. Really excited about that.