Today I used the Pastel Wizards Tarot.

It’s cute! It’s theme is that every card has a colorful wizard on it, so despite the name it’s actually very vibrant.
It’s also Luna’s Factory, so it’s top quality.
Today’s reading feels as if it’s saying “Nurture that new idea of yours with stern but fair leadership”. I do have a new idea I’m working on but as you might expect can’t quite talk about it just yet.
So this should technically be the Sunday post but the problem is that I spent most of Sunday itself sleeping. I was sleepy all day on Saturday, then I slept like 2 hours, then I stayed up really sleepy for a couple of hours before falling asleep again.
Woke up at like 7PM after like 9-10 hours of sleep so here we are on Monday morning by now. My only concern is that I have Psychiatrist for med refill at 7PM so as of me writing this I have to either stay awake another 9 hours OR go to sleep right now… and I’m not sleepy so all bets are off on what I end up doing.
It’s that weird stage where I’m not sleepy but my brain is already at merely half strength… probably because my ADHD meds are out of my system by now.
Went out really late afterwards to grab something to eat and man, the weather got colder out of nowhere. I like it because I like wearing jackets, it’s a lot of nice extra pockets but temperature here changes so suddenly…
By the way, speaking of cold. I vaguely remember that ages ago I played one of those Meet n’ Fuck games and it had a character called Samui on some Naruto parody. I assumed for the longest time that it was them making up some character while using Samus Aran… apparently Samui IS a Naruto character???
Not gonna check, Naruto is like Stars War where for some reason my brain will outright protest being exposed to anything related to it.
I can’t even tell you why that happens, especially because I had a Naruto phase like everyone that was a teen in the 2000s. It’s like something about it repels me on a fundamental level like oil and water.
Which of course makes it all the more shocking when I see Bort Shippuden Volume 15 or whatever else up for sale on bookstores.
It’s been a fun couple of days even if the days themselves are a bit of a blur. Lots of talking with people.
I forget if I mentioned it in the blog before, but I’m basically an extrovert stuck in the body of an introvert so any day where I get to have conversations no matter how small tend to be good days.
Aside from that, I sent a couple of boxes filled with manga to Mandarake today. It was mainly dupe volumes but also a lot of romcoms… so many of them, honestly. I like romcoms but finding good ones is hard and those boxes were filled with all the failed attempts.

For my money, Kanan-sama wa Akumade Choroi is the best one out there right now. Nonco (the mangaka) was already one of the funniest authors out there with their 4koma doujinshi about Kancolle and Uma Musume and that translates perfectly into an original work. Their art is just so expressive.

That said, gun to my head I’d actually put Seitokai ni mo Ana wa Aru! slightly above KanaChoro, but the problem is that I’m talking about RomComs and Seitokai no Ana is a RomCom the same way Nozaki-kun is a RomCom (read: for one character and nobody else).
On the other side of that spectrum I love Uzaki-chan wa Asobitai, but that one has evolved more to lean on the Rom part rather than the Com part. Absolutely zero shade in doing so though, I actually adore how even after clearly establishing the main couple fucked it remains a slow burn romance.

I mentioned Yome Gakissu a while back and while it’s light on the Rom part and the Com part, it makes up for it in sauciness.
And you know, I guess that’s the baffling thing about all those many that didn’t hook me, the fact that I’m not even expecting anything highbrow or classy at the end of the day.
I can probably come up with more recommendations but those are literally the ones that I like enough to keep in the bookshelf near my PC isntead of being in a different room with most of my other books.