Mating WordPress

Today’s deck is the Serpieri Tarot.

“Serpieri” in this case meaning Paolo Eleuteri Serpieri. This is one of those decks that compiles artwork from his comics into relevant cards, and it’s shocking how many fit scarily well.

At the risk of sounding very “Man that has only seen The Boss Baby” it reminds me of Moebius, but less in a direct way and more in that general European sci-fi way.

Also this deck is horny as all hell, but that’s not a negative.

To understand today’s reading, it’s easier to explain something that had been on my mind for a bit. I was specifically remember the period after we released VA-11 Hall-A, where we had seeds of an idea but didn’t have full on ideas proper to continue and it was getting to me because I was in a very “if we don’t make something we die” mindset.

That sort of creative despair creeps in on me from time to time still even when I have enough ideas to work on, but today’s reading does feel like an invitation to meditate on it. Inverted Moon reflecting the fear of the dark instead of its comfort, Inverted Ace of Wands reflecting a slump, and Inverted Star reflecting despair.

Today started with a rush to the first Japanese lesson of the year, nothing too important to report there aside from the fact that my sleep schedule is getting messier.

After I got back home I published the new Forsaken Gaia chapter I talked about yesterday.

Main thing is that in the interim between chapters I learned where the “highlight” function was which lets me play more with colors. In the process I also learned why the fuck WordPress has two color functions.

But because of this I couldn’t just change the individual color of a single word or set of words. That’s because THAT’S done through the Highlight function instead.

So of course I wondered why the fuck are there two color functions, isn’t that redundant?

Surprisingly no, but in very specific cases. Basically, the highlight will remain even after you change the color of the block because they operate on two different levels.

When I made those chunks in chapter 9 with white blocks and specific characters in black, I first wrote a whole line, then highlighted what I wanted in black and THEN changed the block’s color and background to white.

Oh yeah, try highlighting text in those white blocks in the chapter for some fun stuff.

After posting it, I took a cat nap, and I do mean catnap, I got cozy in the warmth and felt sleepy. So my sleep schedule is getting extra fucked.

I spent the day unboxing (as in: Taking out of the shipment box) the Uma Musume Shadowverse cards that just arrived but didn’t start opening packs. In part because I still have some Door To A New Era boxes to go through, but also because I got hypoerfocused playing Medieval Blacksmith.

It’s a cool game! You take weapon orders but can also come up with absolutely deranged swords in the process.

A guy asked me for a dagger for his five year old and the next day there was a report on the town square that he got stabbed by his kid.

It also made me stay awake until 8AM so my sleep schedule is truly fucked.

Really cool.



