Today’s deck is the Charles Dickens Tarot.
No, really.

I was intrigued about it, it even talked about how some cards represented people in Dickens’ life and… okay, to be fair that’s still more normal than what Tolkien Stans do. Did you know there’s a book that’s nothing but the original drafts of The Lord of The Rings and The Hobbit on paper? It’s so massive it has to use that bible-like ultra thin paper.
…I might or might not have it because I’m a curious bitch.
Back to the deck, the impressiveness kinda faltered because the cards were stuck to each other. It was the sort of printing where you need to bend the cards a bit and then go one by one. At the end of the process some of the printing was scuffed and the gold lining on the border was everywhere except the border.
But if I wasn’t out of favor with the deck compared to when I started, I sure got to that point when I saw The Hanged Man.

That ain’t no fucking Sydney Carton, that’s fucking Miranda En La Carraca by Arturo Michelena. That’s Francisco de Miranda, motherfuckers.

I don’t have time to explain who he is, just know that he’s an important Venezuelan historical figure. And honestly it’s not even the use of the painting that gets me, but the fact that the card tries to say it’s someone it isn’t. And if so, how many other paintings are used like that with no acknowledgement in the deck?.
It’s also squeezed, the fucking indignity, man.
The effect of seeing this is basically the equivalent of clicking on some YouTube video about WEIRD REAL FACTS and the first comment is someone going “By the way number 5 was a hoax by so and so”.
I can’t believe I lost so much respect for a Tarot Deck so quickly.
For today’s reading… should I be worried I’ve gotten the Eight of Swords three days in a row now?
Today’s reading felt two ways for me. The first is “Whenever you feel in a crossroad, remember that the only thing limiting you is yourself”, and the second is “The only thing keeping you single is your own low self-esteem”.
While I feel like the first one is the one to pay attention to, the fact that I also saw the second one (and without any effort no less) leaves me thinking.

Today’s mood was a bit better, and I wonder how much of it was down to not eating well.
Despite all the prep and whatnot, I wasn’t able to do all the chores I wanted to do today. That’s not to say I did none, however. I went out and paid some bills before they piled up by the time I came back from my trip.
I didn’t go to the municipality to check my insurance card stuff, but I did find the October bill for that (this after having paid the rest of the year before then in a lump sum just last month) so there’s a chance that they were just waiting for that to be paid. If by the time I get back it hasn’t been mailed to me, I can at worst just go before I need to pick up my Humanity Pills.

I went to the chiropractor and then decided to go get sushi… but Genroku Sushi was closed, and as I returned dejected, the underground mall I was walking through was all closed which made me wonder if it was a holiday or a storm was coming (wouldn’t be the first time) but it was just a holiday I guess.
Slightly worried that Genroku Sushi is gonna close because so many things have closed lately but there was no sign on the outside or anything.

I ended up going to Yodobashi Camera for meat and I took the chance to buy a sketch book for the daily drawings I wanna start doing. I figure that even just doing shape practice and whatnot daily would eentually add up.
And this would be the part where I tell you that I scribbled all over a page of the sketchbook but I’m going to be honest: I spent most of it completing the Vampire Survivors’ Castlevania DLC.
Well, “completing”. I just got to the post-game part where like 80% of the actual content was unlocked.
Unironic GOTY.
I’m also almost finishing the Sinking Titan trilogy and I actually went through the books in wrong order, I went 1 then 3 then 2.
I think I mentioned this, but it’s all information I’ve mainly gotten from Wrestling YouTubers, but there’s something almost… comforting in going through info you already know but sorted differently and maybe with a new detail here and there. Like you still get the stimulation but it’s not so new that you feel overwhelmed.
Sidenote, I can’t sleep with audio or videos. I have a hyperactive brain even when sleeping and any small noise or even any amount of light hitting my face will result in a bunch of weird dreams that leave me waking up more tired than before.