Miso Mess Madness

Last day before returning!

Today’s reading has a very interesting message: “Don’t be fooled just because options present themselves to you”.

That feels awdfully relevant for reasons I’ll keep to myself.

…yeah, just in case it wasn’t obvious, as open as this blog might seem I do keep things to myself. Quite a lot, in fact. Especially when they’re things that involve others instead of just me.

The name of today’s entry comes from how, after falling into the usual routine of waking up after 4 hours, I went to get food. Miso ramen specifically, and I didn’t notice that the ramen plate was slightly titled and so it pured a bunch inside the bag.

Not too much, but honestly, it might’ve been better if it made MORE of a mess, because at least then I’d be annoyed instead of just slightly miffed.

As per usual, I fell asleep yet again and headed to Sapporo to get some souvenirs… and by “souvenirs” I mean stocking up on Yoitomake cakes.

Something fun happened on the way, though.

I was standing on the train, minding my own business, decided to take some pics of the sea that the train goes by and when I turn around there was a lady trying to ask me something.

It took me a minute, but after I told her english was okay (is it though? Is it?) she clarified that she was curious about the magatamas I kept in my backpack.

I explained to her where I got some of them, and she seemed really interested in them so I asked her which between two-colored rock and Howlite she liked and she picked the Howlite. I insisted, especially because I had a spare back at home, but here’s the funny thing.

I was thinking about removing the Howlite from my backpack because it kept rubbing off on the black fabric, but I kept forgetting… I guess I kept forgetting because it was waiting to change hands with this lady.

I hope she enkoys it, I sure love having the story of meeting someone that likes the silly rocks as much as I do to the point she stroke conversation about it.

I dropped at Sapporo and I forgot to mention it yesterday but Sapporo has an underground mall and the name is deceitful because that’s not a mall, that’s a fucking undercity.

I’m used to underground malls, Osaka has them, Tokyo has them, but neither has such… expansive areas, it’s wild.

It was near the end of the Sapporo leg of the day, but in said underground mall I got this bracelet of synthetic rubies.

Rubies are supposed to be my birthstone and I kinda wanted a thing with Ruby but as you might expect… not the cheapest thing.

This one was 5000 yen, but still.


Got me cakes, got me burger, I even got me a cool story of meeting someone, so I headed back MAKING DAMN FUCKING SURE I DIDN’T TAKE THE WRONG TRAIN AGAIN.

I dropped the loot back at the hotel and it was still really early, so I decided to head to a Karaoke I kept seeing when I went to the hotel.

I was kinda wary because I didn’t pay much attention to the sign, and thought it was like a Kraoke Bar or something and those… you gotta be careful with those.

But no, this one, Karoke Mash was just the usual thing with Joysound machines and such.

Here’s a full run of Break Up! while I was there.

I didn’t bring my microphone because I was like “what are the chances I’m gonna find a jaraoke AND want to go to a Karaoke” and the moral of the story is that just like with my camera I should pack it Just Because.

By the way, you can tell I can scrap the bottom of the proverbial barrel because I can force the machine to go “I don’t have that one, let me download it”.

One day my yearly lamentations about Magical Suite Prism Nana will pour into this blog… not today though.

The place overall was nice, though it was interesting that you had to order drinks instead of having a drink bar. By which I mean you could get free drinks, you just had to order them like snacks.

Another curiosity about Karaoke that I realized today: Up until now I was thinking that the music volume and microphone volume dials were like… a mixer, you know, balance how much of which you want, that sort of thing.

NO! Turns out “Music Volume” is overall volume and “Microphone Volume” is on top of that. If you put Music at zero and Mic at max you don’t hear the mic.

Now I know why the other day I almost blew up the speakers with feedback…

My flight is at 7:30AM, and after how smooth things went last time, I figured I should get to the airport early. Problem is that taking the rapid to the airport cuts it too close and there’s no way to reserve at the first train anyways… also the actual rapid that skips all but like 3 stops only starts running from 9AM.

I COULD take a bus, but… eh.




