More like Amazon’t

Today’s deck is Before Tarot

Yesterday it was Tarot from a different angle, today is Tarot Before the illustration happens.

Today’s reading feels as if it says “I know you’re angry at how the visa situation turned out, but don’t dwell too much into it. You have more year and that’s all that matters”.

Today’s main thing (aside from the work I’m completing) involves Amazon.

You see, I saw an artist promoting that their new manga tankobon was now up for sale so I checked the Amazon link and it 404’d me… but I didn’t see anyone point that out so I tried checking the link on a different browser and… yeah there it is…

So I go check support and they do the thing where they try to let prefab answers be all the info you get. Which would be fine if “why the fuck are you blocking 18+ items???” was one of them.

Normally these have a “I don’t see a reply, escalate to direct support” option BUT THERE WAS NONE. I tried for like an hour with every possible combination, every possible link and got NONE.

So I go to google and I find an “Amazon Tech Support” Twitter account it was as official as things can be there so I message them while thinking “I swear to God if this is the only way…”.

I go through all the early motions of tech support. Did you clear your cache, did you try other browsers, etc etc etc.

You wanna know what their solution was?

“Go to this page, put in that you can’t login, and call the phone number there”.


More importantly though, I finished 桜御前. There was a bug where one interactable wouldn’t spawn so I had to use a save editor to give myself the item that it would’ve given me.

It did the Time Loop thing of “The happy ending comes at a cost but here’s an epilogue where things get solved” and it was absolutely lovely.

I think the best thing is that the shocking gore is used for that: Shock that tells you that what’s going on is fucked up and if you feel revulsed GOOD that’s the point.

I’d say it’s my favorite game of that kind this year but it’s been a packed year man.



