Today’s tarot is The Urban Tarot.

It’s super impressive, all the illustrations are super nice paintings and the included booklet even has details of the inspiration behind the card, who was the model for it, and when the illustration was done in a period of YEARS.
I don’t think I’ll use it much mainly because it’s more modeled after the Thoth Tarot which isn’t quite my style but I’m definitely keeping it with the others just because I like it.
One funny irony is that for a deck based on a style of Tarot that doesn’t do reversed cards, the backs are actually symmetrical.
For those curious, the Thoth Tarot is considerably different from the regular Waite Tarot (in fact, Arthur Edward Waite was part of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn with Aleister Crowley). For Persona fans, that’s where The Aeon comes from. It’s the Thoth Tarot version of Judgement (with The Universe replacing The World).
ALSO for those curious, P4G’s Jester is another name for The Fool and The Hunger (also called The Lust since it’s about unrestrained desire) is that deck’s equivalent of Strength (which switches around with Justice as the 11th Arcana).
And though it’s from long after I fell off (hard) from Persona, I am aware that they added The Apostle (Thoth’s version of The Hierophant) to P5S. I was also surprised that they added Faith and Hope from the Visconti-Sforza tarot (which don’t have an exact Arcana equivalence but its meaning can be find in existing arcana) as well as The Councillor from El Gran Tarot Esoterico.
I have those decks in the backlog if I remember right…
As for the reading, I’m not that deep into the Thoth way of reading cards… though usually it’s just an “edgier” version like how it’s The Apostle because you should be hearing the good word from a small preacher and not from a higher authority, a small preacher like the guy that came up with the deck perhaps wink wink.
Ahem. Thankfully I didn’t get any card that deviates too hard in meaning.
The cards feel like they’re telling me that the path to change and clarity is to go Fuck It We Ball.
Not something I was a stranger to today, incidentally.
Am I ever though? I tend to act and think quick on my feet because if I stop to think I do nothing so…

I woke up today at like 7PM though I was stuck in the sheets until around 7:30. I decided to immediately head out before everything closed and bought some hair products on the way to getting food.

There was some sort of fire alarm going off on a building on the way. Thankfully it didn’t seem serious, probably burnt cooking or something.
Regardless, I bought two takeout big chahans to eat calmly at home and the trip was just enough time to finish going through unabridged Moby Dick.
I wrote about the experience on a different blog.
I worked for a bit, recycled some boxes and then decided to make reservations for Hakone next week for my end-of-month trip.
I then took a four hour nap and you know what? Fuck it, that’s where a new day starts. So let’s leave it up to here.