New Fullflap Game

Today’s deck is the Fyodor Pavlov Deck.

Nothing to do with the guy feeding dogs and ringing bells, nor with the writer of Crime And Punishment. Just an artist that made a really neat deck. Not as neat as the included booklet being hardcover though.

Today’s reading feels like one of those reflecting inner STUFF. Specifically I had my bank asking a bunch of extra routine questions plus wanting me to further justify (read: explain) a couple of transactions.

To be honest (and this is something I’ve noticed recently) banks and other such entities asking questions tends to give me anxiety not because I’ve done anything wrong (if anything, I gotta remind myself I’ve done nothing wrong and calm down) but because I’m kinda used to such entities asking questions as a means to deny you something.

I might just still be trauma sore from the embassy stuff.

I woke up with a very… curious realization.

Basically, I wonder just how much of the perception of autism in popular media comes from people (by which I mean the people making the media) being only explicitly exposed to either kids or the most extreme cases in adults.

Here’s what I mean.

The average depiction of an autist savant adult man or whatever will have them hear a loud noise like a hair dryer and have an episode. And I’m willing to bet that statistically those autism cases would comprise like… 1 out of 100 at the very least.

There’s certainly very severe cases that MIGHT react like that, but the average adult with autism would’ve faced hair dryers enough times in their life to NOT have an episode.

But when you’re able to function so well people might not even be aware that you have autism and thus you end up not being the basis for the example, as it were.

And this might seem like whatever, but it’s insane how a piece of media might be the only exposure some people have to certain things, and I’m willing to bet good money that the amount of people whose life would’ve been easier with an autism diagnosis that they never got because “the smart man in the TV show was left crying because someone snapped their fingers and I don’t do that” is quite high.

Something something… representation something.

Right afterwards I started my day and I remembered that a new Fullflap game released, or rather, I rememebred that the games release at midnight usually.

It was for the best though, last thing I needed was to go to bed at like 5AM.

It’s called 淫らで邪悪な魔女の森 or roughly “The lewd forest of the wicked witch”. Though it’s shortened to “Witch’s Forest”.

Roughly speaking, it’s a very basic platformer (in fact, while developing it, Fullflap just labeled it as “let’s make a jumping action game”). You jump and jump on enemies to kill them. The jump is a bit floaty but not awful, the game feels made for its controls and I can’t really say I had any frustrating moments.

You’ve got two power ups, one is a hammer that sings in front of you and the other is a drug that makes you grow a penis. The second one lets you jack off which does absolutely nothing gameplay-wise.

BUT if you encounter the one female enemy in the game (there’s another one but disregard that) you can press the same button you use to masturbate to have your way with her in a reversal of how it usually goes.

It’s a neat thing but part of it is that if you lose a life you lose the penis. So if you make sure to have it on and not die in the final level you actually unlock a secret scene where the main character fucks her mom.

There’s really not much else to say in the sense that I just described all mechanics and the game just has a bunch of levels you follow until the end.

And I had fun! Fullflap has legitimate game designer chops and their games are ones I play long after the porn rewards have stopped. And when you see their catalog it’s so varied that you really get a sense that they just want to try their hands at making different games instead of making the same kind over and over. Even considering this isn’t their first platformer it’s different from their past iterations.

If I had to rank where Witch’s Forest feels to me in their catalog though, I’d say it’s my… fifth favorite but that’s mainly down to personal preference rather than product quality.

Shin Sei Den really sells you on rewarding you for how you treat your partner and it’s an RPG on top. Demon’ Sperm has no right being as tight and fun as it is. Inma no Ken is also really tight with its combat. And Jyuujoku no Jousai, whil slightly clunky with its top-down view was really engaging with exploration.

This one does also have a couple of rough edges from being the first 3D project while every other one is in 2D… but even this criticism comes with the very interesting caveat that THIS ISN’T USING ANY CONVENTIONAL ENGINE.

By which I mean that Fullflap doesn’t use Unity, or Unreal, or Wolf Engine, or RPG Maker… they use more traditional libraries and whatnot which I can’t help but respect.

Also, I wonder what happened to all my save files. I welcome an excuse to play Shin Sei Den again, but still…

Later in the day I got an itch to play Monster Black Market for some reason, so three hours vanished in that.

Not really much else today, though. But in a good way. I had Japanese lesson and mailed important stuff. I deserve to tune out to porn games, especially when a bank sends me questions about if me or anyone I know has a green card right before I go to sleep making my stress/task reflex kick in and not let me sleep until I reply to the bureaucratic nonsense.

Let me roll in my slop and sludge in peace, thank you.



