Today’s deck is the Floral Tarot.

I love flowers and I love this deck, it’s definitely going into the regulars.
Today’s reading feels like it’s telling me that if I feel overwhelmed I should wait until I clear my head to do something about it.

I had another weird nightmare today. I was in some sort of snuff podcast where they tell me how they’re gonna kill me, they put a plastic bag on my face, drop a really heavy tree branch on my head and I wake up.
Now, the oddest thing about the dream isn’t actually with podcaster part but the branch, because that moment felt exactly like the time one of the bigger support logs on the roof of my room growing up fell down. Like, the nightmare pulled the exact memory of the sound, the jolt of surprise, even the feeling of dirt falling on my face.
Some of you might be confused. The thing is that I grew up in a really old house, like, colonial era house. And those have roofs of intertwined branches of caña amarga (bitter cane, a type of tree that bugs don’t eat), with mud in between that and the tiles on top of it all.
Fun fact: My hometown has exactly One Guy that knows how to repair those roofs as basically a family tradition.
But anyways, ages ago I was doing something late at night on the computer and one of the bigger logs fell. There wasn’t that much damage because my room (being one of the oldest in the house) had a dropped ceiling and also the log was rotten inside and thus very light.
But the sound, and the shock, and the feeling of the dust and other stuff hitting my face when it happened… kinda shocking for my brain to dig that up when I had basically forgotten.

So anyways, back in the real world I had a slightly busy day.
Signed some papers, made some appointments. I gotta go to Tokyo next week for a bit, but at least a friend is visiting the country so I have something else to do those days instead of doing One appointment and rotting in my hotel room.
Though it’s getting warmer, I could reasonably take walks and not feel destroyed by the end of it…
I paid the rent for the company’s office, printed some more stuff for the appointments next week, and headed to Japanese lesson.
So… any remember me saying yesterday that I should try out doing the thing where I go to the wrong train to see if I see the place I talked about?
I did that.

I didn’t see the Class B Girls place, but I did see this. You see, the joke is that the station is Hattori Tenjin and they have a pachinko parlor with Ninja Hattori-kun on it.
Very obviously unofficial by the way, but hilarious nonetheless.
Anyway, I arrived kinda late to Japanese lesson but lesson I had nonetheless. Afterwards I originally wanted to go get some of the other stuff I had ordered at the Games Workshop store but I needed to wait for a package so I returned.
And that brings me to today’s title.

New Milk Factory game announced babyyyyyyyyyyyy!!
Now, Milk Factory is one of those developers I could go on and on about for a long while about, but the one thing you need to know is that if any of the designs feel familiar, that’s very VERY deliberate.

While they make sure to keep everything Very Legally Distinct and to be fair the personalities aren’ts 1:1, they’re also not discreet about what they want every design to evoke. And what I like is that in the process they end up creating a microcosm of what was popular at different points in time.
Like, you don’t need me to explain the first one came out in 2018, seeing a Mashu/Rem look-alike screams 2018. Just like how I don’t need to tell you the one with Not Daiwa Scarlet is from 2022.
There’s plenty I can and eventually will talk about them, but I’m just glad they’re still around, these sorts of games at that sort of scale (where every known geek shop gets its own exclusive item) are a dying breed.