No Cap

Today’s deck is the Motherpeace Tarot.

Your eyes do not fool you. It is, in fact, circular. It was also a pain to shuffle. Thankfully the illustrations are great.

Apparently Motherpeace is a book? Also apparently the illustrations are mixed media. Cool stuff.

Today’s reading says that you can fight the things holding you back by balancing things out. Fitting considering my weird sleep schedule as of late.

As usual when my sleep schedule is shifted around, there’s not much novelty in terms of where I’ve been and such. I’ve taken the chance to knock down a couple of chores around the house and some paperwork.

Speaking of chores, one of the main problems I have right now is trash disposal. Specifically in Japan that trash disposal requires you to set up an appointment online and buy oversized trash stickers of the amount the website tells you.

The problem is that some trash is a bit more nebulous for me, for example I have a bunch of glass panes from old display cases and I swear I can never find the right option for that one.

However right as I write this I find out that apparently you can now pay online which frees up some of the chore of needing to buy the dang stickers.

Anyway, in the process of clearing things around I found a box with a bunch of Christmas doll costumes I ordered a while back that I’m excited to try out.

Speaking of outfits, I decided to use the ones I set aside during last trip that I didn’t use and I was about to go out with her until N pointed out that Amane could use some sort of cap and I was like “ah fuck you’re right”. Thankfully Petit Marie had the exact kind of cap on Amazon. It doesn’t arrive until next week, but the leaves should still be changing colors by then.

Yeah that’s where the title comes from.

By the way Petit Marie is also apparently a brand of regular lingerie, I almost ordered a normal-sized bra by accident.



