No Homerun Mood

Today’s deck is the Zombie Tarot.

I THINK it’s by the same people that made the Housewives one from a while back. I think. The style and box sure feel the same, though this one wasn’t shown as a recipes box or something equivalent for the theme.

The illustrations are neat, and I feel like this one sticks to the theme a bit less jokingly that the Housewives one. Juuuust a little bit.

It does have neat details, like how Judgement has the dead rising from the ground but it’s because of a different kind of apocalypse. The Hierophant being a newscaster is also a perspective on that one that I hadn’t considered.

Today’s reading has one notorious caveat to mention. While I was shuffling the deck the first time a bunch of cards fell to the side. It was… the four of cups through to the eight of cups.

Usually that means I should grab those cards but it didn’t feel right because there was no randomization happening beforehand. Not to mention that one card is manageable but five feels like just a plain oops moment.

As if going “I SAID you’re getting cups today”, the actual first card of the read was the Ace of Cups, with a Nine of Cups mixed in there also.

Ace of cups is a cup that overflows with emotions and sensations, so the idea of a human head that spills does out IS very fitting. The scary card is the Ten of Swords, it can mean being backstabbed (or feeling like you are) but it can also mean that you’re in pain but it cannot get worse because really, you can’t be in more pain after you’re dead.

This reading took me a bit to digest because it kept looking like “You opened up, got backstabbed, and that killed your ability to be happy with yourself” or some permutation of it. Which didn’t make much sense for reasons I’ll explain later. Then I had to realize that I was looking at the cards but not the spread, which is like parsing the words but not the order or context.

I’ll probably explain the spread I use in the next post (it’s nothing fancy, I just like keeping these sub-2000 words if possible) but long story short the top card is THE card (like if you were making a single card reading) and then the other two are expanding on what that card means.

So in that order of ideas it’s more like “You can let your emotions overflow because you amanaged to find joy even after hitting rock bottom”.

This assessment will make sense as the post goes on.

I woke up today in a kinda foul mood. It’s not really the more on the surface “I hate everything and everyone” kind, it’s more like… simmering on annoyances from the past kind.

My theory is that talking about New Year’s 2020 opened that specific box and the things are just flowing out. You gotta vent it sometimes lest it explode after all.

I used to have problems with intrusive thoughts, and I remember my first therapist taught me that the best solution is actually to let them go by instead of pushing them away. Turns out that advice works for past slights too, where instead of pushing the thoughts away you allow yourself time to simmer in them, and shockingly they do go away eventually (even if temporarily), it’s kinda like your brain sees it from all angles, gets satisfied, and decides to move on.

I also used to be a more… emotionally closed person externally to the point that people complained that I was unfeeling, which hurt me because it was more like I constantly tried to barely keep all of my emotions in check.

That one ex-friend I keep bringing up, I had so much esteem for them to begin with because they made me feel safe lowering those guards back in 2019, which is why despite all the (extensive, deep, still shocks me to this day) damage they might’ve caused I owe them the person I am today.

Like I said a while back “I’m happy with who I’ve become, I just have issues with the road I was thrown into to get there”.

By the way, this is the point of the day where I remembered today’s reading and went “OH…!”

I suspect, however, that part of that foul mood might be that I haven’t been eating well. For the record though, I don’t have an eating disorder, rather, I AM disorderly.

What happens is that I get absorbed in doing something, realize too late I’m starving, eat something simple like a bit of bread, and then don’t go get a proper meal because being a small eater means that that small bit of bread has me full already. This process then just… keeps spiraling.

I had to sign some documents today and I got a link for a signing app. On the one hand it’s way handier to sign with my finger rather than doing the whole pocess of printing then signing then scanning, but on the other this specific app had a thing where it “generated” a signatured based on the printed name you put in and I get how they think that simplifies the process but it only adds an extra step as I try to decipher WHERE I can put my actual signature.

I had a chiropractor appointment today and please look at this Mokona. That’s how you know they’re real ones. Or as L put it “It’s like the reverse Pepe, where seeing it lets you know you can trust the person”.

Not much novelty outside of that, Foul mood makes me want to sleep in earlier than usual, let’s see if that works.

OH, I did upgrade my sidephone (again, story for later) to an Xperia, but that’s a story for tomorrow.



