Today I used the Botticelli Tarot.

See? I knew I had this around.
Similar to the Dustave Doré deck from a while back it’s just Botticelli’s work but assigned to specific cards.
Sidenote, I’m so sad that I can’t find Digimon mats without all the play guides. I love the new Digimon TCG, it’s the TCG I follow religiously, but sometimes a man just wants Angewomon’s massive tits without all the extra fuss, y’know.
So anyways, today’s reading includes the Ace of Wands, and my mnemonic for it is similar to the one I have for the Ace of Swords. I think about it as the upright version being like you just found a really cool stick but Reversed you’re resting on the stick because either you gotta wait or got exhausted.
All in all today’s reading seems to advise that “Inspiration lies in emotions from the past”.
I’ve mentioned this before, but one of the things with my ADHD before taking meds is that I wake up with songs stuck in my head for some reason. And today I woke up with “Pintameeeeeeee” echoing in my head.
My sister was a baby when Elvis Crespo had his biggest popularity boom, and they would put the song on so she could dance to it.
That always rubbed me the wrong way, I’ve never liked even babies being treated like some dog that can do a nice trick for family members. I remember refusing to do anything the moment I was asked to because of it.
Apparently, as a baby I would also hate it when adults babytalked to me.
…I’ve always been like this, huh.
Anyway, you all might know Elvis Crespo because of Cucuí Ganon, but how many of you are aware of the effort that went into rotoscoping the original music video for it.
As for my day, I actually ended up handling a LOT of the oversized trash I talked about yesterday. It’s not the first time that talking about something I’ve been meaning to do actually pushes me to do it, it’s like uttering the words makes it more tangible in the world or something.
I took out an old futon, an old chair (the kind on ground level like you’d use with a kotatsu) and I have about 8 old foldable ottomans to take out later.
Turns out the oversized trash website has this… it’s not necessarily a bug, but basically if you use Google TL it throws off the search results inside the website.
…okay so for context. Let’s say you want to throw away a big futon. You go to the website and when you’re making you collection application you put all the trash you’re going to throw away. In this case a futon, so you either click the フ button and scroll down to 布団 or type in 布団 on the search bar. You press the + button and it adds the futon to the total.
The selection I saw of stuff always felt kinda limited and turns out that if you use Google TL on that page it messes up with however it has things assigned, I’m guessing it loads a spreadsheet and using google TL changes the spreadsheet locally maybe?
The example I found was the difference in results between looking up ケース (case) with Google TL and without.
Regardless, I made a bunch of progress I’m proud of.
That seems to be the case in general lately though, I might still have a Sysyphean amount of chores ahead of me but I’m feeling like I’m actually making progress on so many of them.
The sad thing is that it might be the normal amount but I’m in a good mood right now. Sad because it means I could be feeling like this more often but I don’t…

Beyond that, I spent a good chunk of the day playing Ooze Keeper, it’s a “factory game” (get resources to make things to make resources to make things) with an element of “breeding” slimes to ether make more or make new ones in a really fun variation of the idea of a tech tree.
It says a lot that even when I used Cheat Engine for fun in a run I still came back for like three non-cheated runs afterwards because it’s just fun. Hell I’m here writing this right thinking “what if I made a run focusing on farming watermelons though…”
I also welcome the burst of hyperfocus helping me push my sleep schedule ahead some more.