Today’s deck is Tarot of the New Vision.

The idea was fun, it basically asks “What if you could see the Waite card from a different perspective?”
“Exhaustion, anxieties, rethinking where you go next…”
One of the most fitting readings so far, as we’ll see.
Last night I tried to sleep early to go out early and get my residence card.
I only slept like 4 hours which means I got more of a long nap than proper sleep but hey, I’m awake at least.
My brain has a very specific response to being cold while sleeping that I find fascinating.
If I’m sleeping and I start feeling cold (which can also happen because I sweat a lot and the sweat on the blanket cooled) then I start dreaming that I’m in my underwear, stuck outside in such a situation. Also rather than embarrassed I feel ashamed, in a “God damnit here I am again stuck in my underwear. I never learn” way.
Imagine being so self deprecating that instead of being embarrassed you feel like a failure in your dreams.

While killing time before going out I started playing a DLsite game called 桜御前, it was interesting enough as is with a combat system where you pick up to 5 actions at once and a side scrolling perspective, but then things went very wrong, heads started literally rolling… End of chapter 1
I played some more before leaving and got a bad ending because Sakura’s lust got too high. You see, unlike similar games where having sex would reset your meter, here it only increases it to the point it consumes your mind. The only way to lower it is actually to spar with your alcoholic secretly-OP samurai buddy.
When I arrived to immigration I got the number 1165 and they were barely at 1116.
And after doing extra paperwork, after losing two months of my life in a blur of stress, after sitting hour and a half in a room full of coughing but thankfully masked people what’s the result?
One year Visa for fifth year in a row.
Am I upset? I’m tired is what I am. I AM upset but not at just one year but at all the extra bouncing around they had me do this year.

Afterwards I went to pick up some remaining warhammer orders to clear my head a little and went back to work.
Nothing to do but move on. I feel quite blessed with my life and on the whole that visa setback is a small one. I ain’t a quitter for better or worse.
I’m sure I’ll remember all of that after the anger goes away.