Today’s deck is the Tarot de la Rueda de la Señora Fortuna.

Those that remember me finding a couple of decks at an used books fair a while back might recognize the box, this is one of two decks I got back then. It’s the first time I’ve gotten an used decks that’s preshuffled and all now that I think about it.
The deck is actually really nice because it has a Marseille-esque imagery but more colorful and slightly less… medieval.
For today’s reading… the Page of Swords again, interestingly. Today’s reading seems to say “reinforce yourself by following your itch to retreat into yourself”. Which I WAS thinking about. After last week pushed me to go out a bit more Iw as feeling like holing myself away from the cold again for a bit.

I wasn’t sleeping all too well lately and after a while I finally figured out WHY: I was sleeping pantsless.
I like sleeping with as little clothing as possible, only reason I don’t sleep in the nude is one too many moments where I gotta jump out of bed drilling into my head to make THAT concession.
…the more I grow up, the more like my dad I become, huh. I love my dad to death though, so that’s a good fate to have for once.
Part of it is also that when I sleep I’m oddly sensitive to stimuli and shirts are a surefire way to make me have weird dreams.
However, I also seem to be most sensitive to cold in my legs, to the point that, as it happened today, sleeping pantsless made me wake up shivering. It’s extra weird because it was warm inside my bedsheets and my body wasn’t cold. I don’t grow warm again as much as I notice I wasn’t cold to begin with basically.
Also when I get cold while sleeping I have nightmares about being stuck outside naked, but the funny thing about those nightmares is that it’s less shame and anxiety and more a sense of “I’m an adult, how do I forget my clothes before leaving like this? For shame” like if they cut my power because of one unpaid bill.
This is all a very roundabout way to explain how I woke up shivering, put on some pants, and slept so well I ended up sleeping like twice the amount.

Anyway, today’s one of those Mondays where I didn’t have any BIG pressing matters which is of course just as stressful feeling like I’m forgetting something.
Realizing the pants that let me sleep so well were… they weren’t even coming apart at the seams, the cloth was outright coming apart. Regardless, I took it as a hint to go buy a new pair or two.
Now that I think about it, those are almost 7 years old because I bought them when I moved to Japan, and Uniqlo clothes that last more than 2 years is already a feat.

I decided to stop by a Karaoke on the way and I forgot to film myself like last time, but something I noticed is that I need to be more confident in my range, I always skew too high or too low when I’m ignoring a whole middle ground where I can lie comfortably. The main problem is that said middle point is also higher than what I THINK my normal register is so I’m afraid I’ll be strainign too high.
I tend to feel like my singing sounds “held back” and that might be partly why, honestly.

On the road I was looking up ferries that go to Hokkaido to see if I can avoid planes next month and I realized something interesting. If I take the ferry that leaves from Maizuru in Kyoto that leaves me directly in Otaru, which might be one extra reason to avoid the airport.
The name Maizuru sounds like something else every time I see it and if you pay any attention to what my kinks are it’s obvious what. Same rotten chunk of brain that ruined the name Pazuzu for what’s left of my life. It’s kinda wild whenever that stirs up to think “I have a legit fetish rather than just a preference, huh…”.

By the way, I don’t avoid planes because I’m afraid of flying, I just don’t like the airport experience as a whole.
Also, I might not do that this time, but turns out you can take ferries from Ooarai to Hokkaido, so I could always plan a stop at Garupan Town next time I head up north.
There wasn’t much to do after I got back, but I decided to make an appointment at AGA Clinic.
Actually, I was thinking about a different skin clinic that I THINK has the same name and I saw in Umeda that has a similar name (I think?), I was thinking about booking that one to have a mole on my right shoulder checked. It hasn’t grown or anything but the skin around it tends to feel a bit numb sometimes, like it flares up sometimes but not always.
AGA meanwhile is a hair renewal clinic, the kind where they give you meds to help in regrowing hair… I also wanted to book an appointment for that one eventually so hey, might as well while I’m at it.

I still don’t know if I’m forgetting something for this week, but at the very least I have TWO games to look forward to, so hey.