Today’s tarot is the Japanese Anime Tarot.
It’s a Luna Factory one, we stan Luna Factory in this house.
There’s a few reasons why this one spoke to me more than the Manga Tarot from like a month ago. The first reason (and I’ll about it’s not one I’m too happy to talk about because it sounds so superfluous) is that this one lacks “Gaijin Hand”.
“Gaijin Hand” is what I’ve called the phenomenon where western-style illustrations try to be “anime” by adapting general aesthetic conventions while not really shifting the use of proportions. Think for example Avatar, where people with passing familiarity with anime might claim is anime because they let the faces be more expressive or exaggerated than… The 90s X-Men cartoon for example.
I’m always reluctant to talk about this because I make it sound worse than it actually is. It’s not even a bad thing!
The one detail that I have no qualms talking about is the fact that in the other deck The Fool was a jester with clown makeup. And even outside the fact that I HATE that sort of thing (I blame too many characters trying to be Discount Joker), The Fool’s symbolism is meant to evoke Fool as in innocence (though decks like the Marseilles one do have Jester-like imagery).
Meanwhile, in this one The Fool is a vagrant-looking guy.
Oh right the reading….
“Unfulfilled with your personal goals? Remember that you have options”
Doesn’t feel like it’s in reference to anything specific but it’s definitely a welcome reminder.
So as per the title, the postcard that tells me “hey, come get your visa” arrived today.
I’m trying to not get too stressed or too excited, I’m trying to mentalize myself that one year is still good, but man there’s that part of me that is gonna be so pissed if I don’t get more than one year after all the extra, prolonged stress this year.
With that in mind I went to my local Games Workshop store to pick up some orders that piled up while I was drifting away in stress. And turned out all of my White Dwarf orders were there so I got 10 magazines on top of a bunch of books I ordered.
Not much novelty beyond that outside of work stuff that I can’t talk about.