For today’s reading I wanted to be fancy using the small table in the room only to run out of space, so smaller reading it is!
“Being conscientious about valueis a big responsability but it’s also key to new cycles” is how I read it.

Then one more card dropped while I was storing them, as if going “And don’t forget to keep check on your emotions while you’re at it.”
I checked the trains but apparently the 2 trains per hour thing wasn’t just because I took the train at like almost 10pm. So I took a cab instead and thank God I got a big one for my unnecessarily big luggage.

On the road I couldn’t help but notice how… American Aomori feels on the roads, but to be fair that might just be the fact that my brain assumes any sidewalk big enough for a small car (let alone having a sidewalk at all) is synonymous with western infrastructure.
Japan is cramped… But not gonna lie, that’s how I like it.

I finally got to the station and I was surprised when I went up the stairs and I saw the same spot where I arrived from, just from a different angle.
That always amuses me.

I waited like 30 minutes or so for the train but they flew by quickly. When the train arrived there was a bird feather falling from it, probably a pigeon’s, did a pigeon die? Was it an omen?

Regardless, I sat down and here’s one funny detail. I don’t have a ticket for oversized luggage because the Hayabusa is so sparse that it’s assumed that it will be one person per half row.
Note to self: Explore Ueno whenever the chance arises.

I spent most of the train travel playing Necromerger, then when I arrived to Shin Osaka I left one bag on a locker to travel lighter and got back home.
My mailbox was about to burst because every single parcel that was on its way decided to arrive when I was out of the house, including the letter from immigration asking for some extra documents, because of course they would mail the request the same day I left for Aomori, why wouldn’t they?
At least it was an easy document this time, no need to rush last minute all over Osaka looking for it.

I had an appointment at the psychiatrist at 8 to get my ADHD meds refilled, so I met up with E and her friend K. It was fun! We went to look at camera parts and then ate kushikatsu on Yodobashi Camera.
I was already falling apart, the fatigue catching up with me, so I went back home after that. I actually left the recipe at the pharmacy to pick it up the next day.