A knife! In a few hours…
After yesterday’s card muteness, today’s was refreshingly clear.
The fool reversed (recklessness), facing towards the two of cups (surging bond), which itself faces at both sides while The Chariot (initiative) faces neither.
The key to a new bond is to not be reckless but not let go of the drive you feel with it.
Now, the thing is that Two of Cups is very specifically about romantic relationships because of course it is, just like half the Goetia demons provide you with Fresh Bitches in some way, half the Tarot cards are about romance and significant others.
This specific dimension stumps me because of two reasons.
The first is my own mental snags regarding romance, to the point that honestly it feels like the card is there simply as general advice that doubles as making me face the fact that I’ve struggled all my life with feeling worthy of someone’s affection.
But even beyond that… I just don’t have anyone in mind. By God I tried to think about it but unless there’s a spot in my brain I’m not checking, I can’t really conjure up who it might be about.
Perhaps I don’t notice it because of the aforementioned first reason, where any feelings I might have are curbed before they can even form.
Perhaps the reading is indeed good advice in the case it ever happens but in the meantime it’s meant to leave me ruminating about it.
I’m open to the idea that the two of cups isn’t limited to romance, though.
Today I slept about four hours. Four good hours, well-rested, but I’m worried they’ll catch up later. I wonder if it’s just the general excitement of hanging out with friends or the weird schedule I fell into because of the Aomori trip.

I went out to buy something to eat and by that time there was an old man brooming the front of his house and the broom was almost gone, it was used so much that the straw in it rubbed away and I wish so bad I could’ve taken a picture of that.

I met up with E and K today before they left for Hakone. They ran a bit behind on time so I took the time to look up other spots, then we kept missing each other.
I was very insistent on the directions because Umeda has ways to make you get lost even when you’re familiar with the area.
After we met up I went straight to Shake Shack because it was the closest food shop and then K clarified she felt like having ramen. She was the only one with a craving beyond “wizard needs food badly” so we went to a ramen place.

We went to Naniwa Menjiro Zen on the Hanshin mall’s B1 floor. You knew it was good stuff because it had a line and three Michelin stars.
It wasn’t expensive though! Not for a Michelin restaurant at least. But it was GOOD.
The way I’d explain it is that it’s not really Ramen but with expensive ingredients, it’s more like Ramen polished to a mirror sheen. Every detail about the ramen just… done really well.
Afterwards we went to check used camera shops and my itch to get a fujifilm keps coming back but I keep resisting.
Specifically we went to Ohbayashi Camera, which looks so fancy and has so many boxes pieces that I thought I had it wrong and it was actually a new camera shop.

It’s been fun hanging out with E and K. I mean it’s fun on principle, but the chance to talk about cameras and photography is not one I get that often. Seeing E’s examples of photos taken with retro lenses also makes me want to try those out.
By the time we went to Matsumoto Camera (which turned out to be a Leica and Hasselblaad specialty shop) I was crumbling from exhaustion, though in restrospect the first hint was the fact that, while E and K were taking photos, I had to sit down.
I never sit down, my feet would probably be less destroyed if I did but the point remains that it’s telling how tired I was, so I ended up parting ways early.
I’m gonna see them again on the weekend, but it was a bummer, especially after E told me that the Izakaya they were in had basically like a Lemon Sour but they pour a whole Gari Gari Kun into the glass.
What the hell man, that sounds so good.