Shower Cleared

Today I used this cool deck called Vesperot.

It’s super cute, it features this girl called Vespertiliu going through each card. I also appreciate that the small booklet points out how tarot talking about the “masculine” and “femenine” energy shouldn’t (or to be honest, was probably meant to but can be handwaved philosophically) be taken to be meaning gender literally.

I’m not one fully against Gender in a way, I always say that I much prefer androginy that comes from too much gender rather than none, but Tarot has a certain way to attract… whatever the opposite of the “woodcarving is man’s hobby” crowd is.

Today’s reading is the usual fare plus a card that fell off while shuffling. Taking it as the base and the regular spread as coming from it, it seems to say “Face what’s ahead assured that your own self-direction and choices will bring you joy”.

Today is one of those odd days where it feels longer because I can’t decide on what to compartmentalize as a single day.

After yesterday’s marathon running on empty I slept like 4 hours and woke up, did the reading, went through all the motions and decided to take a nap after a while.

The fabled 8 hours nap and man did it feel good.

As for the rest of the day there’s actually not that much novelty to point out outside of the title. Just the usual handling of chores and signing of papers.

So the first thing to point out is that the title is shower “cleared” not “unclogged”, I’m not celebrating a shower that finally has water flowing normally… though that IS worth celebrating.

No what I mean is that the wat TO my shower is finally freed in a way where I don’t need to leap and vault over things. The next step is to take out all the STUFF that’s on the sink but progress was made dang it.

Sometimes I need these uneventful days where I don’t have much to write, not gonna lie.



