
Her presence undeniable, her perception unrivaled.

Luna’s younger sister, Sol has all the same tellings of a diva as her older sibling, though she lacks the same level of ego. She loves fortune telling and is prone to saying really odd things, almost like she’s aware of things the others aren’t…

Sol was the first (and certainly not last) girl whose concept came to be as a foil to another existing one. Needing to work backwards from this and justify how she’s the “Sun” on the duo was a fun exercise that stuck with me. Where one is something that demands your attention in the sky and the other is assumed to be there even in cloudy days.

Despite her quirks, Sol is beloved by everyone due to quietly knowing and serving to everyone’s needs, making her everyone’s honorary little sister. Though she seems more mature than Luna at a glance, in truth, she’s just calmer than her.


“Sis’ recklessness is a sign of both experience and trust… I still wish she was a bit more careful, though…”

Sol about Luna


Birthday: August 22nd
Head: DDH-27
Body: MDD Mochiashi
Color: Semi-white
Bust size: Imoneko MDD 2L
Favorite Fashion: “Goth” fashion, though I’m open to ideas.
Likes: Tarot
Favorite food: Chocolate

“We’re all fragments of each other, we’re all fragments of you. Are we wish fulfillment or projections?”

She was the spark, but the kindling was already set.

An idea refined, self-assurance personified.

Her only sin was to come at a point where libido wished to be explored, was it? You owe her some time.

To give her your own indecision as redeemable character says a lot about yourself too.

The one that opened you up to others.

And the one that opened you up for adventure.

What am I then? Why can I not see what you see in me? …can a mirror look at itself?



“Minoh Falls is very important to you, isn’t it?”


“So many memories. They actually feel like they’re our memories too and not someone else’s.”


“As exploring yourself continues to happen, thank you for always keeping sis and me in mind as important fragments.”.