Today I used the Taisho Roman Tarot.

I’ve already gushed about Luna Factory in the past but this one is extra fun because it’s literally just the Waite deck with a Taisho-esque veneer to itself ala Sakura Taisen or… I guess Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei would be a more direct comparison.
Today’s reading… actually, before that, you should have seen my face when I pulled two upright eights in a row, one more would’ve made me scream.
Anyway, today’s reading tells me that there’s no useless skills, that learning things is a long term investment that can lead to rapid changes down the line.
I feel like this mainly mirrors something that has been on my mind for a bit. The realization that I’ve been blogging in this sort of format (though with different topics and such) since roughly 2011
Aside from an attempt at a blogspot in high school, I’ve been doing *this* for 13 years. Hell, I remember when C and I started our anime blog I posted DAILY, I had a schedule of what topic to talk about every day and I kept that up for… can’t remember but it was a few months at least.
It also means that by that same coin, I’ve been doing Social Media management for the better part of those 13 years.
There’s honestly no bigger point here, it’s just surreal to think about something that’s technically a skill that I could technically cash in that I’ve accumulated a decade plus on without thinking too much about it.
Especially because it comes so natural, I just like talking and these posts are better than trying to string a longform thought 120 characters at a time.
L actually told me about my loli diatribe a couple of days ago how it felt like she saw a glimpse of “the me from before”, but in a positive way, like seeing a side of myself I didn’t let out that much before.
Today’s been a sleepy day otherwise though. Chatting with people but otherwise staying inside because it was rainy. I was thinking about heading out for those halloween pics tomorrow but it’s gonna Sunday, fuck Sundays. I’ll go out on Monday.

Oh also, Ryosuke Miura, the actor that played Ankh in Kamen Rider OOO flashbanged me being dressed like The Joker on Instagram.