Today’s deck is The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow Tarot.

Honestly? The only flaw I can think of is that I’m not really into Sleepy Hollow but I get the distinct impression that if I was this would be a treat.
Today’s reading advices on how being too stuck in the past might lead you to not seeing all the good around you.
Considering I spent the last two days ruminating on how some bad experiences in the past still hold me back, this feels especially fitting.

So today’s the big day, the big reason why Tokyo was in the cards. The Sukeban Games fan meeting.
Before that I had to get food and also meet up with everyone before the event to sort stuff up. I went to Akihabara and got sushi right before they closed (until the second shift at like 5) and thank God for rice because that energy had to last me the whole day.
We met up, got the merch, and headed out at like almost 6 for the venue.

Everyone was wearing the shirt that we made for the event and I’m sorry but I didn’t spend like two weeks thinking about today’s outfit just to put on a different shirt.
The event had its hiccups but for the first time trying this, it wasn’t bad! It was also probably the first chance I had in forever to meet up with some friends.
Did I have fun? A bunch of cute girls asked me to take pics with them OF COURSE I HAD FUN.

Afterwards we made a quick stop at a nearby bar. It was great and also the owner’s birthday but also we were DESTROYED by then. By which I mean at least one in the group already had a fever.
All in all no regrets, even the sour days feel like I made strides in understanding myself, which is something I’d do good in remembering in the future.
Tomorrow I go back to reality and to work though.