Today’s deck is Capybarot.

The cover felt too basic which DID make me ever so slightly wary but the moment I saw through it I fell in love with the style. In particular I love The Strength and how chill it is.
I’ve noticed that I tend to gravitate a lot towards The Strength when checking a deck’s vibe. Ol’ reliable Lunalapin has a rabbit unfazed by a scary lion for example.
This reading tells me that a stalemate from information overload might be in the way of prosperity.
Boy was this premonitory in hindsight.
Today’s exercise (done later in the day) was about getting to know your cards well, familiarizing yourself with them, being able to browse your deck until you can find specific ones on a whim.
It made note to point at any cards that seem to call you just on illustrations alone and while doing the cleansing (yesterday’s exercise) the Five of Cups and Eight of Cups seemed to do that for me aside from The Strength.
Today’s exercise aside from being able to recognize specific cards on a whim was to “interview” your deck. A process where you make a spread where every question. Thus I present you: My interview with my LunaLapin Deck.
Why did you come into my life now?
“Because you clearly wish for that inner clarity in yourself” -Reverse Ace of Swords
What are your strengths?
“I can help you in that stormy personal transition of yours” – Reverse Six of Swords
What limitations do I need to be aware of for our collaboration?
“I cannot do everything, you need to be the one open to intuiting what I tell you” – Page of Cups
What are you here to teach me?
“To be more flexible, to be better with your established routines” -Reverse Emperor
How can we work better together?
“By allowing yourself to indulge in your more spiritual side” -Reverse Five of Pentacles
What’s the highest potential of our collaboration?
“Our wall is going to be any time you feel overloaded with information or refuse to give way in a mental stalemate.” -Reverse Two of Swords
This was enlightening, thank you.
By the way, after the cleansing I drew a card to do a vibe check on the deck and got Knight of Pentacles. Which to me it means “Good, don’t forget to make this cleansing part of your routine”.
Tarot was fittingly today’s theme in a way.
I was a bit exhausted from all the moving around so I decided it was Gremlin Time, AKA a day where I just follow my whims.

Those whims eventually led me to a simple question: If I didn’t have online shopping, where would I get a Tarot deck here in Japan?
Back in Venezuela my first deck ever was a Tarot de Marseilles, I bought it from a classmate’s dad’s shop. He had what we called “Perfumería”, but despite the name it wasn’t a shop to buy cologne. It was the sort of shop where you bought images of the virgin mary, rosaries, incense, tobacco. It was very popular with local Santeros.
That deck got damaged by water so I eventually got a Waite-Smith deck from… it was like a variety gift shop? I remember I once bought a plush bear for the girl I liked in high school there also.

Anyway, at the lack of Perfumerías, turns out the bigger book stores have a fortune telling section of books and I found them there. I actually got a couple I didn’t have before.
That book store also had a shockingly big English section that I don’t know if I would’ve noticed otherwise. Hell, that book store was one I never had a reason to enter (since manga and the like tend to have more variety in more specialized bookstores) and now I have a reason to peruse random book stores.

Afterwards I checked a crystals shop that Google Maps pointed to but it seemed to be closed. HOWEVER, I did notice a bunch of fortune telling shops, and the thing is that I’ve walked through that specific area so often and I’m only noticing them now.
That’s what I like about getting into new hobbies, you start noticing more things about the world around you.
I decided then to just walk around exploring the area and wouldn’t you know it, I found a completely unrelated small crystals shop, manned by an old lady that was excited to have a client.

I bought a piece of quartz and she gave me some candy with the purchase because the stereotype of Obaasans from Osaka gifting candy is VERY REAL.
Satisfied, I went back home only to find immigration asking me for extra papers. I’m on top of that already thankfully.
I’m hopeful because the more nitpicky about documents they get the bigger the chance that I’ll get more than one year, but would it kill them to mail things anytime but a Friday? They give two weeks of a deadline for all that stuff but send it on Fridays and it arrives on Mondays, which means you have effectively only 10 days to do that.
Beyond that, and outside of the aforementioned Tarot exercise, I ended the day tuning out to playing Order of Eclessia again.
You know, I’ve noticed lately that I would spontaneously grin, but not in the “I’m happy” way but more like I feel my face too stiff and I try to loosen it up. Think for example when you haven’t moved your leg you feel a compulsion to move it, that kind of thing.

Oh yeah, the shrimp that walked away while I ate it… it was a lobster actually, a small one.
I was in Ise and the Mie prefecture is famous for a specific type of lobster. I went to get sashimi of that and it was basically served over the shell of the prawn’s tail.
It was amazing but then the lobster was alive enough that it started crawling away and that sure was an experience.
Also, continuing a random point from yesterday, my relationship with Les Mis is interesting because I didn’t even know it was a musical until God knows how many years later.
Here’s how that part of my life goes:
Growing up I liked reading, though I mainly read encyclopedias and such. In high school I came across a kiosk that had a hardcover copy of Death in the Nile by Agatha Christie.
It just… grabbed me by the balls and didn’t let go. I honestly don’t know where I’d be if that book didn’t remind me at that specific moment in time that Reading Is Cool.
Thirsty for more books and with all the YA stuff being Too Expensive, I came across a copy of Les Mis that was distributed by the government for educational stuffs.
It too, hooked me, hooked me so hard that I even read the whole chapters that Victor Hugo spent just being a nerd about Napoleonic battles.
So in my mind, Les Mis is part of that pantheon of building blocks of myself. The fact that it’s not the musical sure makes it odd to explain sometimes though.