I’ve decided to try out all the decks I’ve accumulated to find the ones I might rotate around. Today’s is the Blooming Card Tarot.

It’s super cute and the fact that they decided that my own zodiac sign was a black cat should make it perfect, but the problem is that the design on the back lets you see if a card is reversed or not.
In any case, Knight of Cups, Reverse Lovers, and Reverse Hierophant. It’s the second time that I’ve had Reversed Lovers and what’s interesting is that on its own it could mean something like “choice paralysis”, but within the context of a Reversed Hierophant (individuality instead of dogma) it can be seen instead as slef-love (rather than love for others).
Thinking about the Knight Of Cups made me realize “Romance” can also mean literary romance rather than just love.
Just something to keep in mind.
My ears have been itchy lately, it’s probably just the stress wearing off but with my history of ear infections I’m a bit wary.
I remembered all of a sudden that yesterday, before paying rent, I bought a couple of those reusable freeze packs because I want to try going to the beach tomorrow (since the weather in Aomori was so rainy), which means through all of yesterday I had that weight on my back.
Then, Idly sorting through all the bags that pile up in my kitchen counter I found sourvenirs I bought I Izu, THREE MONTHS AGO.
I really haven’t Stopped huh…
After watching a lot of videos on leather stropping (the thing you do with wood carving to keep the knives sharp), I can take back all the bad stuff I said about BeaverCraft, I just didn’t know how the process worked. My brain was assuming it to be like with cooking where I only sharpen the knife every other food prep. Not to mention that leather stropping has its own tech AND I was using the side of leather that’s meant more to polish than to hone the edge.
That’s one mystery less.

I went out to basically faff about and get lunch. And it all goes into a weird start because when I go buy a bottle of Evian in the vending machine near the Pachinko parlor close to my house there was a meishi with some stuff written on the back in the part where the bottles fall.

I was feeling like having Ohsho again, but it was too full so I decided to try something else. I went to Nakatsu and I was planning on going to Ikinari Steak, but remembering that hanging out with E and K left me wanting to try out more restaurants I went instead to the basement of the Applause Tower and there was a Kazoku-tei there, which is apparently a chain? It was good though.

I went to Yodobashi Camera afterwards and that’s when I got the notification that I got money transferred from some things I sold off at Mandarake. So I decided to use some of that money in buying a couple of knives for kicks.

I also kept almost buying one of those Magnesium fire starters. I don’t need one, I don’t even do camping, but I love me some trinkets and sparky rock is one hell of a trinket if I ever saw one.

On the way back I stopped by the Home Center after doing groceries and I got a tool box to have all the knives I’m quickly accumulating in a single, safe place.
I’ll detail the adventure with those knives later.

Also, there was a circuit board of some kind on the street for some reason?
There wasn’t much novelty afterwards aside from playing Order of Eclessia on the new collection they released.
Eclessia is my favorite Castlevania, not just for the gameplay, but because seeing C listen to that OST on his phone in college was what made me break the ice with him, and to say I wouldn’t be where I am without him would be an understatement.
Continuing on the stuff I was writing yesterday about sexual preferences.
There’s this artist I follow that has decided for whatever reason to post videos of himself cumming over his own artwork and figures.
I believe when it started it was about how it all falls on the figure? Regardless, it’s definitely a thing that happens and to be fair it’s hurting literally nobody.
That was in my mind from catching up with my Fanbox subscriptions when I also saw something else that left me thinking.
An artist I follow was quoted by an ero cosplayer I follow. The Cosplayer commented on how the pic was basically a fantasy she always had (being rammed from behind while being grabbed by her belly).
For context, the cosplayer is the plus-sized type… for Japanese standards at least.
The point is that that double whammy of information also made me remember all the other artists (and hell even non artists) that manage to be horny without being… annoying about it.
I started to feel silly about the weird mental blockage I’ve been trying to decipher, especially when you consider that I’m not even discreet on the matter myself.
That just leaves the question of where that fear, that blockage came from.
I don’t have an answer right now, but it IS the next step.