The fuck is self-control

Today’s deck is the Considerate Cat Tarot Volume 2.

I love it so much, this is definitely going into Eternal Rotation. If I had to complain about something it’s that the cards are slightly thin, but honestly that makes them easier to shuffle.

Today’s reading talks of grief-born indecision needing to be fought through self-determination. Of course, between The Lovers and The Three of Swords, the undercurrent of it all is with emotions, with love.

The mere mention of the topic does stir something in me, something… formless but daunting. I’ll definitely keep it in mind for whenever that mass of darkness decides to coalesce into something.

I had a nightmare today where X, a friend of mine from all the way back in college, was slowly bleeding out in my arms… also I was naked, because I was a bit cold when I was asleep.

I’ve been helping her with some stuff some that’s probably why she was on my dream, as for the bleeding out part… hell if I know man. I do vaguely remember something about dreams of friends dying being related to missing them, which would give a flattering spin to the amount of people that have told me they’ve had dreams where I died.

X, incidentally, did message me years ago because she had such a dream.

So anyways, today I had one of the girls packed for the trip and started thinking “what if I brought a second one…?” before thinking “nah, too much weight for the luggage, I might not have time for all the pics either”. So I’ll travel just with Poppy.

I go out to get food and while there I start thinking about getting a new jacket, waterproofed and whatnot, but then I go “or you could use a jacket you trust and give it the waterproofing spray you got for the boots”.

This might sound normal to you all, but I need you to understand… self-control is usually hard as hell for me, it needs to be a conscious limit I put onto myself, so the fact that it kicked in on its own without any prompt from me is like…


Not much else going on today, making notes of stuff I gotta do while on the road and I got the train ticket to the airport in advance also.

Oh yeah! one more profile done today, this time for everyone’s honorary little sister Sol. I had fun sneaking in a couple of details in her page.

The profiles will stop while I’m out by the way, I’ll resume making them as soon as I return.

Really looking forward to the brief escape, not gonna lie.



