Today’s Tarot is the Pixie’s Whisper Tarot.
So you know how I joked that a deck from a few days ago wasn’t just “The Waite Deck with Christmas hats” (something like that at least), well this is… that.
Also, you’ve heard me complain about asymmetrical backs, this one has asymmetrical backs AND just different backs in general. The deck is a rotation of a bunch of Christams-like patterns which sure is a… choice.
Today’s spread was six cards that fell from the deck. Not only was it a neat 6 I could make a triangle out of, but they were all the Pentacle cards from 9 to King.
There’s probably a more detailed reading possible with this spread, but the first two talk about prosperity through self-sufficiency and the rest are cards that traditionally convey family roles (in some decks the Knight is a prince and the Page a princess). So it immediately read top me like an auspice that prosperity is ahead.
As I foreshadowed yesterday, sleeping on effectively a corner of my bed because I was too tired to declutter it wasn’t the best idea but I slept at least.
Today’s the day where I go to Tokyo on the road to Nagano. But I don’t have to rush to Tokyo today so I took my time buying a couple of extra things, namely inner gloves (because my hands get cold so fast that I need double gloving) and extra thick socks.
I saw some jackets I liked but god damn 140000 yen for one is beyond my “on a whim” budget.
On the bullet train I kept going through the Oscar Wars book and dozed off, only to doze on exactly when they mentioned David Carradine.
I can’t believe even with audiobooks I end up in the “waking up to Red Letter Media” situation.
At the hotel I wrote some of my GOTY list because I’m going through like 50 games and I don’t know yet if I’m gonna go for the bit or cut some.
And then I passed out hard.