Today’s deck is the Tarot de Paris.

This is the other one I got used a while back at the used books fair thingy.
I’m gonna be honest, I haven’t had the best experience with the French. The tone was set when we made our first public demo in like 2012 and it wasn’t the best (I’ll fully admit that even now) but then some commenter just had to go and say something like “depending on the end product I might just rip the sprites and make something myself”, and I took that personally.
The French have not done much to fix my impression of them since then, I’m sad to report.
Today’s reading feels like it’s telling me to continue my decluttering, especially since decluttering involves selling off a lot of used items.

Another day of pondering what to do and I thought about hitting the gym. Especially remembering how slightly sore I felt the other day when I went to do the bank stuff.
That… didn’t happen.
After lazing about inside the house until I finally showered, I headed out to get food. Then afterwards I did a bit of groceries and also took the chance to buy both toilet paper and trash bags.

You know, a weird thing that I’m still thinking about is that back when I was in a depressive slump in 2020 and 2021 it felt like a lot of house supplies lasted longer? Almost like I was so… inert that I barely used any of them. Toothpaste I get, bad dental hygiene and depression are correlated, but toilet paper? I didn’t shit any less.
I went through the weird toilet paper shortage of 2020 just fine because of that though.
Sidenote, remembering when that happened… turns out seeing shops with empty shelves is a trigger. Kinda like when my lights flickered here the other day and my heart rate shot through the roof.
Highlight of a sort was finally restocking on trash bags. I can get trash bags at conbini, but they’re so thin and frail. I need to go to the home center to get the THICK STRONG trash bags.
You can tell I’m old, because I talk passionately about trash bag preferences. A Home Center, by the way, as the name implies, is a shop where you have everything from hardware to cutlery to medicine. I don’t know other countries, but to explain it to my family I go “It’s the local Epa basically”.
Does Epa still exist? I liked Epa. For those that don’t know “epa” is also also an expression that roughly translates to “heyo!” though it also can be used like “yo!” as in when you almost drop something.
I use “heyo” a lot in conversation because in Spanish I use “epa” a lot, probably rubbed on my from my dad, it’s basically his catchphrase.
While writing the earlier paragraph about empty shelves, I realized that more and more people just… tune into this blog lately. If you do welcome! Hope my daily ramblings are at the very least amusing. But back to the point I decided to update the about page with a shortlist of facts about myself.
You might also find some small print on the front page.
Down the line I want to make a page with profiles for all of my dolls, but that’s for later.

In the midst of all of this I played a game called 終末シェルター性活 (roughly “Shelter daily life at World’s End”). It’s a neat management sim about building a harem of survivors after the apocalypse inside your own shelter.
Even if you use the easiest difficulty with no combat and plenty of resources it’s still not braindead (HAH!), which I appreciate.

Gotta say, before I parsed the whole title, when I first saw it and saw “shelter” and a bunch of distressed girls I thought “…woman’s shelter sim?”. I mean it is about a shelter where aside from you everyone’s a woman, but you know what I mean.

The rest of my night then vanished because of this bad boy.
I don’t wanna get TOO sidetracked about Sting’s Dept. Heaven series and how much it means to me because I want this post to come out today but what you need to know is that in Knights in the Nightmare they did the Dark Souls thing (before Dark Souls) in how you learn more about the world through tangential elements (though mind you, the actual story content is already beefy).
Of interest is the fact that the units you can recruit dish out little bits of character when you recruit them but they also have lines with other units, especially if you transsoul (fuse) two of them that happened to have history with each other, so seeing a book with all the bits of info I craved as a teen just sorted in front of me was so surreal.

Also, not on this book but rather the Knights In The Nightmare Complete Guide, but seeing this specific image of Maria unlocked something dormant in me, like some chunk of myself long buried.
I’ve talked about how this year I want to reconnect with the parts of myself that are still buried post-reconstruction, and whatever echo of “this is who I was and I miss it” that seeing that image triggered is what I’m looking for.

By the way if you’re curious about the title, Toridashi-kun is this guy.
You put coins in, they fall and sort themselves. It’s not 100% accurate, I’ve had 50 yen coins fall on the 100 yen slot, but it’s a GODSEND as I clean up stuff and keep finding coins everywhere.