Today’s deck is the Neon Moon Tarot.

It was SO HARD to take that pic without the case reflecting back at me.
Despite the unassuming box and unassuming name, this is actually a cyberpunk-themed deck, and a really good one at that.
Honestly just check their website the art is so good.
Aside from the top card, today’s reading is made out of cards that fell down. It advises on rushing ahead, but making sure to trust one’s intuition to make sure things don’t get out of hand.
This might be related to me booking one day to stop in Tokyo before heading to Nagano. Reason being that there’s a cosplayer I like selling her newest book that day. Just heading out because of that would’ve been… not the best idea honestly, but that also means my co-workers that are going to man a booth that day will have me nearby just in case.

Thank God I remembered I’ve got a psychiatrist appointment today. Otherwise I would’ve ended up in the all-too-familiar scenario of getting back home after being out and going “OH FUCK” as I realize too late I had an appointment.
It already happened with singing lessons like two days ago or something.

So after the usual chores I decided to kill time in Nipponbashi. If my calculations were right I’d be able to arrive in time by the time I walked back.
Not only was I right, I was right with half an hour to spare.

I got my prescription but I decided to go back home straight after that. I could afford to go pick up the pills tomorrow since I actually found an extra pill on the floor a couple of days ago.
I sat to finish my writing appointment but the editing and such left me with about 1000 words below the requested amount. In asking about ways I could fill it up, I was told that if I was satisfied with what I had to just submit it.
…that was a relief, mainly because it reframed the situation as being less behind than I thought I was, which itself freed up a lot of brain resources.
There’s plenty of reasons why this assignment has been one of the best things to happen to me this year. From feeling appreciated by virtue of “we like your style so much we want it in our product” to the opportunity to meet up with other writers, but an understated one is shaking off all the anxieties I’ve built up about not meeting people’s expectations.
Now it just needs one last polish run to make sure everything’s good.